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Everything posted by Sisa24

  1. It is required. The email sent to me they asked for it. They aren’t very consistent in what they ask.
  2. We both interviewed on the same day. This process has proven that it’s mere luck.. as in anything else in life 🤷‍♀️
  3. I don’t think yours included ds5535. He would have told you to fill out the form. So hopefully you get approved soon
  4. My interview was January 24, 2024. AP since then. He returned my passport
  5. That’s exactly what I got!! An office document that had no mention of ds5535. And when I asked the officer what it was, he said “oh we just need more information about you”!
  6. I have the same scenario too! Strange how cases are cleared differently!
  7. Congrats! What’s your category? My interview was in January too
  8. Unfortunately, sometimes, it’s mere luck.. like anything else in life 😔
  9. How would THEY feel if they were in this situation..? Don’t they also have families & partners? It’s inhumane
  10. 😞 that’s so harsh to separate families like this. Any reason you were placed under AP? Hope you get your approval soon 🤞🏻
  11. Congratulations!! What a relief to finally receive the clearance! So 16 months it took?! That’s really long
  12. It doesn’t do anything from my experience & others’ experiences
  13. Where do you see the status “expiring soon “. Can you plz direct me
  14. Hopefully yours will be soon!! (Since your spouse was put under AP last July)
  15. Congrats! So you were cleared in 6 months?! That seems very fast! My interview was on January 24.
  16. I wonder what happened to the petition that was raised by a group of Iranians? Previously it was suggested to do the same to cover everyone going thru this in Canada
  17. My interview was also January 24, 2024. What’s your category? What do you think could be the reason for ds5535?
  18. My interview was also January 24, 2024. What’s your category? What do you think could be the reason for ds5535?
  19. Sorry to hear. Do you know what might be the reason for ds5535?
  20. According to the track sheet, your interview / ds5535 submission was on January 2024. Wouldn’t it be too early for WOM?
  21. Not for this type of visa. It was discussed before here & someone confirmed that this rule doesnt apply to CR1/IR1
  22. Heartbreaking indeed. Others who have been under AP with ds5535 were able to visit their spouses back & forth with no issues; provided they show proof that they’re coming back (letter from work, return ticket, lease agreement etc). I wonder why your case was treated differently. What kind of details were you asked if you don’t mind sharing?
  23. Congrats! How long did it take you to get cleared?
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