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Posts posted by RLB

  1. Hello, I do not want to worry anyone, But I went to my Senator's Office, To see if they can find out the status of my I-130, (It was mailed Aug. 30, 2007. It was recieved by the USCIS Sept. 4, 2007. Transfered to the Vermont Service Center. Was reveived by the Vermont Service Center Dec 21. 2007.) I gave the service Officer all needed information. And left. She called me by the time I got outside of the building. Stating that I had not given her the right Receipt number to the petition. So I went back up and she made a copy of My I-797C with the receipt number on it. She checked the receipt number, To find it was the same as the one I had given her. She informed me that she called the Vermont Service Center. To Check the working status of My Receipt number. But it was not in the Vermont active working system. She said that she would have them find my petition. and check the status. I checked back later that week and was told that my petition was pending with no more information.

    I called the Customer Service Center of the USCIS. spoke to a Immigration Office. She tried to check the working status of my Petition Number. And said that is odd. It was not in the active working system. She did a Service request asking Vermont Service Center to find my petition. And to enter it into the system and expedite the processing. Due to USCIS error. 2 weeks pasted and I received an reply from the Service request from the Customer Service Center stating that my case id pending, and there was no expedite request for my case. That was a week ago. I called the USCIS to get an address that I may send an Expedite request to the Vermount Service Center. And was directed back to the same Immigration as before. After reviewing her request and the reply I received from Vermont. Her again tried to access my case using my receipt number and still not in the active working system. But It is in the online status reporting system. So she refered My case to her supervicer. And Another request for them to find, and enter my case in to the active working system. also a request to expedite processing due to USCIS error. I was told if I did not hear from this request within 2 week please call them back.

    Can anyone tell me what i can do about them losing my petition, And What I can do from here?

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