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Everything posted by Paez23

  1. Got email this morning to pick up package. Hope all goes smooth with your process. you are welcome 🙏
  2. The medical took a few hours but my fiance said the process went smooth and doctors were professional. i used the delivery service in Kingston still waiting for an email from them as the visa was only issued two days ago. Hope this helps
  3. January 30th 2013 ISSUED (early afternoon)
  4. No it wasn’t required as none is in the island
  5. The medical was scheduled October 25 2023 he sent over the 221g documents November 9 2023 at what point they sent over medical we have no idea however a couple of times the status was updated but only the date was changed, so we assumed one of those times they added medical report. when he went back to hospital the same day of document drop off hospital told him they sent it off 🤷🏿‍♀️ the hospital is dragging their feet for so reason before the officer knew about his missing original document she told him “unfortunately I can’t print your visa today because your medical results are not sent over yet “ hope this helps
  6. Good day everyone My finance did his interview November 7th 2023 he got a 221g for an original document plus the hospital didn’t send over his medical. so we expected a delay ( officer kept his passport and told him visa would be issued) November 7th 2023 READY January 18th 2024 Refused January 23rd 2024 Approved January 27th 2024( early afternoon) APPLICATION RECEIVED January 27th 2024 ( late afternoon) APPROVED Status changed from immigrant to non immigrant the day of Approved this is Jamaica Embassy just sharing
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