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  1. I don’t see why you have to be rude about this. It’s not like we decided to do this without a plan. Both his parents have already told us that they will support us during the entire process and we both have savings that we will be able to use during the time that I won’t be able to work if needed. I don’t even have a license yet anyways and it’s not a priority since he lives in a walkable town. Also I’m assuming since I don’t have strong ties to keep me here they might deny me entering to marry since they would think I might not return even if that’s my true intention. It was probably different before since my intention was to only visit him. Who says I even want to return to my home country while I’m waiting for the adjustment of status? Also he doesn’t have pto to visit me to marry till in a few months which would delay the process anyways and it would be the same since I’m not visiting till may.
  2. They asked me what the purpose of my visit was and every time I’ve told them it was to visit my boyfriend. The third time I visited it was December 10th 2022 and the visit before that one I left on September 27th. The officer told me that it was getting suspicious and to wait a little longer or had him visit which I did since my visit after wasn’t till July 2023. I heard you should stay in your home country twice the amount you were there and I didn’t know that yet so I assume that’s why. I visited for 42 days last time and it’s already been triple the amount of that so I’m assuming I’d be fine in May if that’s how it works? What ties me to my home country if I don’t have a job and live with family?
  3. how would visiting while pending work? I wanna visit in May with the k1 pending and since I don’t have strong ties I’m scared I’ll get denied access. Would a cr1 give the same type of scrutiny or would it be worse?
  4. What’s different for the cr1 financially? Also our biggest concern is me getting there since it’s so draining and I thought k1 was the fastest. We don’t mind the costs and I’m ok with not being able to get a gc right away. We already have the entire package ready but if we were to start the cr1 how would that go? Would that still be faster even tho we’d have to plan to get married first? How do we plan that when i won’t be allowed to enter for marriage since i have weak ties to my country? Is there another way?
  5. I’m from the Netherlands and I will probably be visiting 2/3 more times for with about half a year in between them depending on how long it’s taking, is that too much or should I be fine based on my history? The last time I visited was from August to mid September last year and I’m planning on going there again around the end of May for 4 weeks.
  6. Wouldn’t it take longer since the k1 has been filled out now? We only have to send it. Wouldn’t I also have to be a spouse for the CR1? That would mean I’d have to marry before applying which would take extra time I assume. Idk how right this is but it says the k1 could take from 6 to 15 months and that’s perfectly fine with me. I’ve seen that the CR 1 takes 9 to 11 months but that doesn’t exclude the time it would take to get married and then get that sorted out right? I haven’t really thought about doing the CR 1 so please elaborate if you could
  7. We have done that but I haven’t found the answers to my questions there. We are almost done filing it so these are just the last few questions since it’s a little unclear sometimes
  8. Me and my fiancé want to apply this month for a k1 and I had a few questions about this and hope someone could answer them all since I haven’t been able to find much. 1. Does age matter ? I’m 21 and he’s 19 and he’s the petitioner, would this cause extra scrutiny? I’m not worried about the age difference but I am worried about how young we are since it’s apparently looked down upon? 2. Is it ok for his mother to be the sponsor with him? I saw that the sponsor has to be 21 so he can’t be the sponsor but does that mean he can be the sponsor with his mom? 3. We got tickets for a concert in June and I wanted to visit him. How do I proof I don’t want to live there yet? I currently don’t have a job and live with my parents so I don’t know if that would help. I have pets but is that enough reasoning? How big is the chance they’ll deny me? Does it depend on the airport? What other proof could I show them? What questions should I prepare for? 4. Should I stay shorter than I usually do? On an average I visited him about weeks and was planning on staying for 4weeks or would this be suspicious? I have visited him 4 times now for an average of 41 days and left when I said I would, except once when I changed the flight home to a week later which was still within the 90 days. would this make them trust me more since they can see that? 5. We have about 20 photos together, texts, call logs, FaceTime photos, engagement ring photos and receipt and 3 statements of 2 friends and his dad. Then lastly we have proof of meeting up 7 times (tickets, receipts boarding passes etc) is there anything we should add for proof? 6. We don’t have proof of us calling before 2023 since we used a server call which isn’t recorded, does that matter? I do have some screenshots from us in videocall but that’s it. 7. Are the forms really randomly sorted to the centres or is there some way of knowing before you send it? 8. If the form fee is sent by personal check, do we send the form at the same time? How do we add proof of payment if it has to be at the same time? We wanna make sure we have a copy of the receipt so how would we do that? I’m sorry if this I didn’t post this right please tell me if I did.
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