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Everything posted by bo13

  1. I have 2 receipts of my flights to visit the country where the beneficiary lives. The receipts have my name, itinerary number, purchase date, depart and return date, and ticket number. Will this be enough to show that we were in each others presence during the required 2 year period? As I am unsure whether I can get the actual boarding pass. Also, I am unsure whether to include photos of us since you can't really tell the date. A solution I thought of was to take a screenshot of the pictures I have of us since apple photos provides the date they were taken along with the location. Will that work?
  2. 1. On part 1, if the mailing address I provided is the same as my physical address do I leave fields 9a-9h blank? Also, does the same apply for the beneficiary on part 2? 2. On part 1 regarding my employment history, I had a job for 6 months then left for another job and came back to the same job (my current employment). Do I put the start date of when I first started all the way until the present? Or do I write the previous time I worked at that job as its own thing? 3. On Part 2, 11e, it asks for "state", do I write the abbreviation for the state in that country (Mexico) or do I leave it blank since it is not in the U.S. 4. Just for clarification, do I leave any field that does not apply to me blank or do I write "N/A" Would really appreciate any help. Thanks.
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