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Everything posted by sjlee0

  1. I went through the interview today and passed! I have a question on the name change. I am a California resident. I applied for a name change in my N-400 application (removing a space in my first name as that's the name I've been using more commonly). Let's say the name change is from A to A'. The naturalization certificate entry the officer showed me today had the proposed name in it: A'. She said that the passport I will apply for with the naturalization certificate will have the new name (A') as a result. However, she said that I still need to do a court process for the name change separate from the naturalization process. I can still take the oath ceremony separate from the name change. I am confused at this point. If the naturalization certificate and the passport already have A', isn't that the official info? Can I not present it to update the driver's license, etc.? Do I still need a court process for the name change? I would greatly appreciate help from someone who's gone through a similar process. TIA.
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