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  1. Hi, I just stayed for 5 months and 3 weeks or since this 22 June to 11 Dec '23, I was there to meet and stay with my friend when I was on my career break while waiting for my next job to start at my home country, then I met a guy and everything really went well with him. But we know at some point it'll be a long-distance for at least 6 months, with the reason that its too risky to return back in shorter time than the last time I stayed in the US, the CBP officer will most likely questioned me. However, I really missed him and on the 21th is his birthday and I impulsively booked a non-refundable two-ways ticket to come on the 20th Jan to see him for a week, I already got leave approval from my job. What do you guys think about this? do you think this reason is acceptable to convince the CBP officer and let me enter US? or this will really risk me on getting my visa cancelled etc? how to convince the CBP officer that I really will come back and that I need to get back to work at my home country so they trust me and allow me to enter?
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