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Everything posted by deedeeisme

  1. Can someone please enlighten me on the timeline for interview in MTL canada for us immigrant i130- we had everything approved the beginning of mar 2024. just waiting on interview letter,,,, is it really 600 calendar days? i dont know how to look for this stuff
  2. thank you so so so so much for all of your help! it is greately appreciated
  3. amazing, thank you i havent gotten much info from our lawyers except when to send payments and more payments
  4. so the medical is after the interview process? no mental health issues at all, i was told though that it was a requirement- which isnt an issue
  5. sorry didnt know how to send my question and thought i was just sending it in a general forum... yes, we do not live together, but have been married for 15, each of us live in our own country... weve been going through the process since before covid and everything's had take this long so i figured this would not be any faster. i was told i still need psych assessments and a series of drs appointments to make it official
  6. married to my american husband 15 yrs, we both live in out own countries- me canada-him usa our ds260 and civil and financial affidavits are completed- on the consular (the us department of state) site what happnes next and is there hope after all this time we might finally be good to be approved by summer of 2025?
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