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Everything posted by tophy123

  1. Hey all, so our interview was the 18th, we saw an 'update' on the CEAC website saying refused on the 18th, and then again showed 19th, and latest on 23rd with same refused status. we sent the form back on the 20th. Is that regular pattern of updates? Any conclusions?
  2. Thank you for the the info. Our category is IR1. Praying the wait isn't terribly long. Feel for everyone here.
  3. Hello all Husband and I are new members to this group as after our Interview today he was told more travel information was required and DS-5535 needed to be submitted. The form states not to repeat information already given in DS 260. Since we submitted extensive travel information for the last 10 years in ds 260, and now they are asking for the last 15 years, do we repeat everything from past 15 years or only the 5 years not included in ds 260 ? I've seen the tracker here (thank you for compiling the data), and it seems a lot of people are waiting for a long time... do we have any stories not recorded on the tracker of things moving faster than 8-12 months ?? Some cases where people get lucky and it moves in a few days - weeks ? I'm trying to scrounge up some hope here.
  4. Yes but Questions 24 a/b/c in Part 6 of the form ask to declare total income for the most recent 3 tax years so we would have to disclose 2020's figure in any case..
  5. Hello! I am a USC petitioning for my Canadian spouse and I am currently filling form i864. My income in 2022 and 2021 was above the required federal poverty guideline however in 2020 it was just $2000 under. Do we require a joint sponsor to make up for the 2020 income level? Secondly, my spouse has had consistent above level income in Canada for a good number of years, can we use his income as proof instead of a third person to sponsor? Of note we intend for him to find another job when he's in the US so current income won't continue beyond his move... I would prefer to avoid both as it means getting more papers together, and thought that since my current income is sufficient as a sponsor we don't need to specify his.. but if doing so risks an rfe scenario, we might as well avoid that and save time ... Please advise!
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