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  1. Hi all, I'm wondering what others did for their K-1 beneficiary's health insurance prior to their wedding. As I understand it, once we are marriage, I can include her on my insurance plan (I am self-employed and purchase myself). Are there any options that others here have made use of for the 1-3 month period prior to being legally married?
  2. As supporting documents for the I-134, does it matter if you submit the a copy of your tax return, the tax transcript printed from the IRS website? Should I do one or the other, or just submit both?
  3. We are waiting for the January dates to become available for the Guangzhou consulate as well. Checking everyday since the first of the month and no change. Thinking about writing an email to ask.
  4. Hi all, I'm current filling out the I-134 for my fiancee's interview that we hope to schedule next month (China still hasn't opened dates for January) and I have a few question I hope the community can help with-- 1) On the I-129F form, we entered the name of the small village she was born in the place of birth. Since then, we have gotten an official copy of her birth certificate which places her birthplace as the main city in the District, of which the aforementioned village is a part of (District and City have same name, village has a different name). We included that District/City name on the DS-160 and I'm intending to include that City/District name on the I-134. Is this sufficient and then if the question comes up she is able to simply explain that her village is a part of the City/District, which her birth certificate can back up? 2) Should I include retirement accounts and checking accounts in the Petitioner Assets section even if they don't have notable amounts (say less than $15,000) in them? 3) I am a remote worker and independent contractor who is well over the required income level and has primarily worked for the same client for over the 3 years needed in this form. I can provide evidence of monthly payments from them and 1099 forms for each year along with the tax returns/transcripts. Will this be sufficient so that I will not need a co-sponsor. Thanks all!
  5. Can anyone recommend a place to get fingerprints done? We need to have them for a application for a Thai Police Clearance report, however the Thai Consulate in Chengdu didn't do them correctly the first time. We are wondering if there are any alternative services? We tried at her local town police station and district police station in Guang'an, but neither provide this service either
  6. Thanks for the comment, @jabberwockgee. We ended up calling about this after I posted the topic just because the health center website didn't give us any direct info. What they told my fiancee is that 4-5 days is the maximum and that they can either give you the results personally (just don't open) or email them directly to the Guangzhou Consulate Due to this, we are planning an 8-day period between her medical check and the interview just to give an extra day beyond the weekend for any possible delays.
  7. Hi all, just curious regarding my partner's existing translated and notarized documents from China for use in Adjustment of Status, professional certification, and job searching. While in China, some of the dates have already lapsed, would this same expiration also apply to the translations in the US as well? As far as I know, in the US, once a document is officially notarized, it's good for a very long time. But, not sure about foreign documents?
  8. As none of the 4 accredited medical centers are near my fiancee's province, we suspect it's best to schedule the medical appointment in Guangzhou just a few days before our interview appointment. Does anyone have experience with how long it takes to get the results from the Health Care Center of Guangzhou International Travel? I tried to find this information on their website, but the whole thing is a mess. We want to make sure we don't need to arrive too long or too soon before the interview in order to get the results beforehand. Thanks in advance
  9. That's what we thought at first, too. But after calling the live support (since the live chat didn't answer for 2 hours), they told us she had a pre-existing account with the email and name, but that it wasn't specifically associated with China. Anyway, it turned out to be from when she had gotten her B1/B2 tourist visa previously and had completely forgotten she'd used that site in the past. Although, curiously, we only found that out when I emailed their support and they sent me back a login/password of my own for the website linked to the China portal. When I logged in there, I saw they had scheduling for the B1/B2 as well. Now I'm looking for a way to delete my account since I shouldn't have that.
  10. Never mind, issue solved. (apparently can't delete posts?)
  11. Hi all, my fiance (in China) and I (currently travelling in Mexico) are trying to register an account on ustraveldocs.com in order to schedule the Consulate interview. For 2 weeks now, we have been experiencing the error pictured here: We are encountering this in both locations, both with and without a VPN active. She wrote their support and was told to try again after 24 hours, which has again and again resulted in the same error. Has anyone else encountered this or have a suggestion on who to contact in order to move forward that isn't listed in their contact info on the site?
  12. Thanks for the answer. However, is there any need to extend the NOA2 validity date if we're already at the visa scheduling phase (or is it done automatically)? It's unlikely we'd be able to make an interview by the current Nov 21 date, but I'm not sure if that date is even relevant at this stage.
  13. Hi all, my NOA2 has a validity date until 21 Nov 2024, next month. We just received the instructions on scheduling an interview today from the Guangzhou consulate. Does the interview need to take place before the NOA2 expiration date, or will we be ok to schedule in the following months, should no appointments be available or our schedules cannot accommodate until then? Thanks
  14. Hi all, we are sending out the DS-160 confirmation page, passport info page and passport-style photos tomorrow. Does this require any kind of cover letter or document explaining the case?
  15. Hi all, I'm starting to put together the long document of evidence for the K-1 consulate interview. I'm wondering a couple things-- 1) I'm currently organizing it in a timeline format, Year > events during that year that we have evidence for like trips, etc. Is this an acceptable idea or should I do it another way? 2) We've got thousands of photos of ourselves from several different countries we've live in and traveled together. However, I've also screenshotted many social media posts from ourselves and friends that include date/time stamps on them. Would these be preferable to include over normal photos of us together? 3) We have lived together in several apartments, but neither of us still have the lease documents from those and since we're not married yet and currently live in separate countries, we don't have a joint bank account, etc. Will this be any problem? Thanks!
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