Yeah I have thought about that extensively. However I would have to sell my place and pretty much all of my belongings. And then if and when he does get to come we would have nowhere to go. And would it be for just another year? We started this process 6 years ago so it seems neverending at this point. Also the island is expensive and my fiance barely makes enough to survive. I would have a difficult time finding a job so we would be struggling just to eat. My kids are in school and have their life here. A hurricane hit the island a few years ago and destroyed everything, including the hospital. Our mode of transportation is a motorbike and people get hurt all the time from accidents and have to wait for hours to get shipped off to the bigger island to get medical care, which is frightening as a mother. I am only allowed to stay for 3 months unless I get a visa myself, which can be done but I would need money to travel and pay all the fees and stay in hotels, not to mention just getting to the island with 3 people is very expensive. You also have to have special permission to stay on the island, which pretty much just means you need to give them a lot of money. If money was not an issue then we could make it happen. But right now, at this point in my life, I just don't think it's the best option for my children. It's not an easy decision but it is swayed by our lack of finances.