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    pebb1ee reacted to appleblossom in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Ah, I see, the delay makes sense now. So hopefully interview maybe December as a very rough guess.
    Depending on your previous consulate, transferring may add quite a bit of extra time for background checks after interview, so just be prepared for that, if it's a consulate like Lagos or Islamabad (which I assume it is from what you've said). 
    Good luck. 
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    pebb1ee reacted to PACMAN82 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hi. For anyone waiting for IL in EB category for London, I got my IL today for 21/10!!!!!! It has been a long wait but finally have the appointment. Hope other got theirs today too!!
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    pebb1ee reacted to Lil bear in DS-260 Question about employment history   
    Your own name.  Not asking for clients. You “employed” yourself 
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    pebb1ee reacted to appleblossom in EB2NIW approved and wants to change consulate at NVC level   
    OK, so hopefully current at some point in 2024.
    If you are moving back to the UK then that's fine. But just having the 'right to live' there isn't enough, you do actually need to be resident usually, London has refused lots of other forum members transfers who are UK citizens but don't live there. If you search the forum for 'consulate shopping' you'll see it rarely works. 
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    pebb1ee reacted to powerpuff in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    A comment removed due to 1) user having his or new own thread. Please do not post duplicative queries and 2) this thread is ONLY for updates on receiving IL letters for London consulate, not about how to change the consulate or any other issues. Please stick to your already created thread. If you want to ask a specific member something, please send them a PM. Thanks.
    VJ Moderation 
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    pebb1ee reacted to jan22 in An advice is urgently needed (Green card through Eb2)   
    I'm not trying to be argumentative, but wanted to respond to this, in case others now or in the future are trying to get information to apply to their own case.
    Re your Point 1:  Your statement that my answer about NVC not having approved your case was not accurate is, itself, inaccurate.  I had no doubt that you had an I-140 approved by USCIS.  You wouldn't have been to a visa interview if you hadn't.  But, I was addressing your statement to Boiler in the response I quoted, "The NVC has already approved my case."  The USCIS approval of your I-140 petition was based only on documents submitted by you and your lawyer.  While an approved petition is prima facie evidence that the applicant is qualified for the visa,  it is the consular (not counselor) officer's right -- actually, their duty -- to review that information with the applicant, confirm the accuracy of it, address anything else that might come up in the interview, and reach an independent decision on the applicant's qualifications for the visa. The decision would 100% be based on your qualifications, even if it differed from the USCIS.  Just discussing the process here, not your case specifically. The officer in your case, of course, also found you were qualified; if they hadn't, your case wouldn't have been sent on for additional processing.
    Re Point 2:  While we agree that the need for adminstrative processing was the individual officer's decision, we don't agree on what that actually means.  With all due respect to Harvard et al that you refer to, their list is a compilation of what they believe the criteria to be.  There are other areas that, for security and other reasons, may not be as obvious to the compilers of the list.  I think it most likely that it is based on your PhD field or more recent research, but -- especially since you haven't responded to questions about your PhD field -- that is only a guess on my part.  (Which might explain the difference between this application and your 2018 visa -- especially the topics of your research since then, although the security and other checks are also often more stringently applied for an immigrant visa than a short-term visitor's visa).
    I am sure that the "not knowing" is extremely frustrating for you and your family.  And, this is made ever worse by the non-responsiveness to your inquiries, which is completely unacceptable, IMO.  Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of recourses available, except to wait and continue to try to get an Embassy response, as others have indicated.
    The final section of your post -- although I may be reading it entirely wrong -- makes it seem that you think posters here are enjoying or laughing at, or are unsympathetic to, your situation. I have been on VJ for several years, and I can honestly say that I don't believe that is the case.  Sometimes, when trying to respond, there can be a mis-interpretation of the tone or intent of a post.
    I hope you get positive news very soon!
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