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  • Place benefits filed at
    Potomac Service Center
  • Local Office
    Hartford CT
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  1. Don’t stop calling just call early in the morning if you are overseas download the Digicel calling app and call yourself and you will be provided with information look up the email for the immigrat side and email them look up the number for the us Kingston embassy and call them if you want things moving you have to push it as you can only advocate for yourself
  2. You need to call at Andrews and ensure that they send over his medical. You can also call the embassy to ask if they receive his medical report, you can also email the embassy and they will reply to you if they have received his report
  3. From a previous marriage where his ex wife abused
  4. I was married to his father before in 1989 and we had our son who filed for me in 1990. His father and I separated in the year 2001 and got divorced in 2014. We always been talking in good terms after the divorce for years on behalf of our son. Then we decided that maybe after coming to America we could start over and try again. So my son proposed that he filed for me since it would of been faster since he’s a USC and that his father and I would reconnect and moved to the state that my son is in
  5. That’s for the advise on that one so I will wait
  6. Under vawa he can apply for naturalization 2 years and 9 months
  7. I’ve known my son’s father as far back as the 70s when we were kids. He moved to the states in 2011. I got divorced in 2014 he got his LPR in 2022 of October he will apply for naturalization next year. He’s been an LPR for about 2 years coming soon
  8. The stamp that was altered was the stamp that I received in Jamaica when I returned.
  9. The stamp that was altered was the stamp from Jamaica
  10. No I didn’t overstay but I was told by my mother that having stayed close to 6 months was a bad thing that could affect me when I reenter the US. so she took my passport and have it back dated. This happens in the 90s
  11. That’s correct because the date of leaving to Jamaica doesn’t match what they have in their record at the US port of entry. The embassy lady labeled it as misrepresentation
  12. It’s where the date of arrival is different from the actual date of arrival back to the country of origin
  13. The misrepresentation was backstamping of my passport
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