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Posts posted by serdar

  1. I do not know what to say about CSC anymore because they are sucks and I just stop checking case status now till at the end of this month because I am sick of tired seeing the same thing all time and I wanna throw my laptop aout my window sometimes ...there is no huge diffrence applications filers between VSC but even the february filers at VSC got their aproval which is not fair at all ..move some cases from CSC to VSC and at least cacth up litle bit but I do not think that they would ever do that ..

    anyways goodluck

  2. well I know CSC get more applications but it is not really more than VSC ..they are just really slow and they are not really fair because I see a lot of peoble from december got aproved and still october and november filers are waiting?what the hell is this ?anyways I am hoping that december filers we get ours this month or beginning of next month otherwise I would just get crazy here ...

  3. this is freaking crazy ..look at this VSC even the february filers got NOA2 and we are still waiting for them to move their ...whatever ..when you see some of them same month you filled they got aproved allready that is just makes you depresed because what is the diffrence between you and the one already had NOA2 ?? I am guesing that just the officers make diffrent because some of them really nice and working harder and the other just sit and do not wanna move but one thing they do not know is this is not the only place they live and god sees all these ...anyways nothing we can do except pray and wait ..


  4. I guess january filers are little bit rushing and making yourself depresed because if you check who are getting approved these days is last munites november and early december filers so just hang in there and expect to get yours middle of may or end of may ...I am also checking mine at least 5 to 10 times everyday but nothing so far I am a december filers so just calm down and be positive ..

    goodluck to everyone has been waiting for this CSC

  5. hi everyone

    this CSC is real sucks ..anyone has got any idea what they do over there ?I see someone already from december got approved in march and still some novembers are waiting ...anyways things are getting really hard here ..I was so happy last 7 days because my fiancee and our kids were here but they just left couple hours ago and I do not know what to do ?

    just share if anyone got approved these days from december at CSC

    goodluck everyone

  6. well this is just crazy ..I do not know what they do in CSC excatly I am sure that they just forget some cases somewhere and as long as you do not take action and you will wait there but I guess you should get the right person when you call them because they alot of diffrent cases and I am sure they do not know excatly what every cases I guess you should do RFE tricks as someone do and they get results ..seriosly I hate CSC but still nothing we can do it will come soon or later just pray and pray ..

  7. hi there

    well NOA1 takes only couple days once you have it and then NOA2 takes up to 15 weeks or more ..so but looks like CSC is speeding up these days little bit because as I see there is alot of peoble from december they have had their NOA2 already I am also december filler so I am guessing that I should have it anytime these days hopefully ..

    goodluck everyone on all process ..

  8. hi all ..

    that is amazing the got approved already december fillers ,I am also december fillers but so far I have not gotten anything O keep checking everyday when I see there is already approved from december fillers but all upset anythime when I check because I am tired of seeing somathing everytime I know there is nothing I can do but honestly this peoble at the center they should move on little bit because I wanna be with my kids and fiancee ...

    goodluck eveyone ..I got my NOA1 december 11th

  9. I see only a few peoble got approved of december fillers but I am also december but so far I do not hear anything so january fillers I guess you guys need to wait little bit more ..I am sure they are working on december but this is really getting too much but nothing we can do all we do is wait and wait ..when I see VSC already doing janaury I got really mad with this CSC but they are the one decide so be calm and wait ..

    goodluck all of us

  10. hi everyone ..

    I am just wondering if anyone is out there got approved allready from december in CSC ?because I see someone got their NOA1 12-06-07 and before they have approved last week already that is amazing but after that I do not see anyone approved so you think that we are the next ??

    and there is another thing my fiance and our kids coming to visit me soon so what should we do while they are here ?

    thanks everyone for your help:))many goodluck to all are waiting ..


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