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Posts posted by serdar

  1. hi everyone...

    I had very hard time at embassy but I got approved finally and I will be getting my visa 1 or 2 weeks I do not know why this long but that is still fine ..

    I had 2 parts for interview bc first part she called me and asked me few things and told that have a sit and wait so I waited almost 45 munites and she called me again start asking me questions how you met her,where,what she does,whats her name,what I like her about her,why our twins do not have my name,how many times she visited me and pictures,tickets,when we are planning to marry,and about her family and my family what they think about us getting married and some I do not remember now ..

    but I was very ready for all questions with all proof so she finally started smiling and approved my visa..

    that was all ...thanks for all your support everyone ..

    have a nice day


  2. my friend I am really sorry what happened but it s all your fault bc how come you are so careless aboout your case and do not be on it once you approve from uscis that case goes to NVC and consulate so you can easly email or call the consulate to check it out about your case since you have a case number ..I did not get any package or nothing from the consulate but I called and email them so they told me what to do and now everything is going just fine ..so now you looking at at least 2 to 3 months once it goes back to consulate bc there are paperworks you need to fill out and send it back to consulate and after that they assing you an interview date at least 8 weeks later so just be on it and follow your case in case if you do not wanna have more delay on it ..go to us embassy webpage in your country and you can see what you need to do and what forms you need to fill out and print them out and fill it up ...

    have a nice day ..

  3. well I just checked on usa embassy in your country and if you married in your country you have to live there at least 6 months to apply to consulate for a visa so if she can live there at least for 6 months after marriage I would go head do this bc it is easy to get visa this way bc you do not need to send any documents to usa to get approved so you have to talk each other and decide what you wanna do after married in your country

  4. well there will be no diffrence in case check with consulate and see if they have DCF(direct consulate filling) if they do have it ,you need to find out what needs for that not all consulate has got this option so ..the other way if you married in your cuntry and she goes back to USA and apply for I-130 is same as I-129F it takes same time to get approved all kind process just like I-129F..

    I hope this will help you get idea for you little bit ..

  5. well I also searched online about arabic names but I did not see his name inspired from any arabic countries so I really do not understand why this happened but there is nothing nobody can do at this time and I know it is really complicated for him now bc of his military service in turkey and there is no way he can do anything about that I talked to onur last night as well about this but be positive he has got still 3 months to go hopefully he will get his visa before that and you will not have to go through that because it is gonna make everything hard for both of you ..

    all the best and hopefully this process wont take long for you ..


  6. hi guys ..

    i am really sory what happened yesterday ,that is just crazy after all those months they still need more check and how come officer just decide that at the interview I do not understand since they have all paperwork before interview and look at them in advance ..did the officer asked something and he did not really answer or what ?how did he decide to go further prosses?

    that would be great that if I could get to talk to onur because soon I will have a interview too ...

    all the best and goodluck on quick prosess hopefully ..


  7. hey everyone thanks to you all for your the cont,support and if anybody knows what the next is now bc I know it will be forwarded to nvc and what do NVC need from us?we have a lawyer but he is a big loser so I do not trust him anymore I will do everything by myself and no pay him anymore ..so if anyone explain what is the NVC process and what we need to do ,that would be great..

    have a nice day

  8. yes life is not really fair sometimes but what can you do ?this is one of the thing we have in our life and it is so sad but real ..when you see many of them applied some day with you and they already getting ready to fly and we are still waiting this is very sad and not fair at all for us ..anyways sometimes I think that this will never go over but same time trying to be positive bc I know at the end this is going to be over just do not know when and it is killing us ..

  9. well I do not know about security check because they might forget your case somewhere since you call them and that is easy way to hold anybody because they are not going to say sorry we forgot your case and just started on it so they might just say security check things and there is nobody can do anything for that but this is just my opion I might be wrong or not..we have been going through same thing we called them late april and finally we got a few touches and last time when we call them may 2nd they pulled out our case and sent for security check afther 5 months that is the time we should have got our NOA2 but it is like we just sent our aplications and they just started working on it so we called our senator and he got a letter says that case is in security check and do not take very long as soon as they get it it will be process so we do not know what to do just wait and it will come soon or later and we are going to be winner at the end ..

    goodluck anyone who gets stuck there at CSC

  10. well sometimes touches are not really anything because we have got so mant touches also last month and last one was 05-02-08 and after that nothing and still waiting .god knows when ?but keep your hopes up all time that is all we can do ...but one thing they are not fair as they say because everyone sees that in my opion though ..

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