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  1. roger048 · 4 forum posts London, United Kingdom 28 Dec 2023, 19:32 Has anyone recently gone through the process of applying for a Us "waiver of ineligibility " ? I had a appointment at the USA Consulate embassy in Belfast to apply for a B1/B2 visa on the 4th December. I've previously had 2 previous waivers approved, but had hoped to visit florida in early April for a family holiday, but unfortunately have been informed that applications are currently taking up to 6 months, which obviously creates a problem for me. I realise that I should have applied earlier but was totally unaware of the masive backlog of application's waiting for approval. If anyone can give me some feedback of their recent experience I would be most grateful
  2. Thanks Seems a extremely long wait. I've had two previously and never took that long. Covid-19 pandemic again!! Cheers
  3. Hi. I recently visited the US embassy in Belfast as unable to get an appointment in London till next year. I've have had 2 B1/B2 Visas but had expired April 23. The documents are being forwarded to HLS in America for approval. Has anyone recently been through this experience and can advise me on their wait times for return. I foolishly booked a family holiday with grandchildren in late March, but have been given a wait time of 5/6 months by the embassy 😪 I'm hoping that this is the worst case scenario but NO accurate information is available. Thank you
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