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    shad892 got a reaction from Talitha333 in Submitting a vaccination waiver I-601 prior to interview?   
    Hi guys,
    Has anyone been able to file a i-601 prior to the interview using consular processing? Does it always have to be after the interview? I'm just wondering if we can get ahead of this knowing we are requesting a waiver for vaccination due to religious beliefs.
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    shad892 reacted to carmel34 in Which Visa is Best while we wait for our I-130? (US citizen immigration through marriage both living in Canada)   
    Two options to consider:
    1.  DCF (direct consular filing) spousal visa, this might work if you have a job offer in the US.  DCF is up to the US Consulate, Montreal at their discretion.  It's much faster than the regular route (a few months typically), and begins by contacting Montreal with evidence of the US job offer for the US citizen.  If they accept, the I-130 petition would go directly to Montreal for consular processing.
    2.  Regular spousal visa.  If DCF does not work, you begin by filing an I-130 petition with USCIS as the first step.  This can be done online.  The process from filing the petition to a visa interview in Montreal will take 1-2 years.
    Either way, you can continue to live together in Canada while waiting for the process, at least until a few months before the visa interview, when you will need to show that you have established domicile in the US.  Montreal is very strict on this requirement.  Most US citizen spouses move to the US a few months before the anticipated visa interview for their Canadian spouse, to get a job and establish a residence in the US.
    Good luck!
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    shad892 reacted to Lil bear in Which Visa is Best while we wait for our I-130? (US citizen immigration through marriage both living in Canada)   
    No spouse is guaranteed a green card. Whether the processing us done in the US following entry as a fiancé or while overseas as  Cr/iR 1 immigrant visa .. the process is what determines if the spouse is granted LPR status. Immigration into the US and the path to LPR status is going to take up to 2 years either way. 
    Its hard facing this reality when you’ve made the decision and are planning live in the US .. But its what we all have to accept and go through   😓. Rethink the waiting time .. it doesn’t have to be “ wasted” .. is it a delay? Yes. But delay doesn’t mean wasted. It How long it will take  is out of your control.. But how you “ wait” Is yours to control. 
    i wish you a fruitful positive waiting 
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