Hi. I would just like to ask if there are couples out there who has expedited their PSA Acknowledged Marriage Certificate?
We went to our Local Civil Registry where our marriage was registered. When then asked for an endorsement letter so that we can expedite the process of the said certificate. However, the officers at our LCR said that they cannot give us an endorsement letter as our marriage certificate was already included with the ones that was sent out to our regional PSA branch. For this reason, they said that we cannot expedite the document and we just have to wait 6 months for the PSA Acknowledged Marriage Certificate to be released.
Is this correct? Why do the instructions from PSA Helpline and other forums have said otherwise regarding the process of expedites? Is the advise from our LCR correct?
If yes, does anyone have an idea on what other process we can do so we can acquire the document asap?
Hoping someone can answer or share their experience regarding this.