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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  1. My wife's green card came in a couple days ago and we noticed the name order is not how we've been inputing it on all the forms we have filled out previously(i-130,ds-260, etc.) We looked at her immigration visa and noticed that it is in the same order as the green card. My wife is from Vietnam and has four parts to her name: example; Nguyen Thi Bao Chau; last(nguyen), middle 1(thi), middle 2(bao), and Given Name(Chau) This is the order in her VN passport. The Visa and Green Card List: Last Name: Nguyen Given Name Thi Bao Chau All the forms we've filled out, even for her SSN Last Name: Nguyen First Name: Chau Middle Name: Thi Bao So on her SSN Card it says: Chau Thi Bao Nguyen I read we could file an i-90 form to correct the name order, but it would cost about $500. As well, I've read most if not all VN immigrants just live with the naming order on the green card, at least until they've become naturalized. My question is should we change the naming order on the SSN Card to match the green card or Just leave it? Also if we change it, do we just write "Thi Bao Chau" under first name and leave middle name blank, or "Thi" for first name and "Bao Chau" for middle name?
  2. Just wanted to update on this post for anyone else who might have questions about bringing the baby to the consulate. So I attended my wife's interview and we found a friend who would watch our baby while we were at the consulate. We were there for a few hours and the interview went well. Wife's visa was approved! I wanted to let anyone considering to bring their baby to the interview that THEY WILL NOT LET YOU BRING THE BABY INSIDE unless that baby is applying for a visa!! While my wife and I were waiting in line outside the consulate to get our documents checked, we witnessed a couple ahead of us get told that the baby would not be allowed to enter.. So, just a heads up for anyone thinking of doing this. your baby isn't allowed in and you will need to make arrangements for someone to watch your baby if you're planning to attend your spouse's interview.
  3. We submitted our docs middle of Oct, 15-17th, I think, and were DQ'd on the 17th of Nov. The sent us an interview date on the 23rd of Nov. Our Interview date is on the 29th of Jan. hope that helps
  4. Thanks, for the responses. I do hope they will allow my baby into the HCMC consulate post covid. Though, my wife and I are considering to find someone to watch the baby during the interview now.
  5. Thanks. Though the info you have replied with is not entirely correct. The interview appointment letter we received, states what you guys mentioned, but also says the petitioner can accompany as well. I stumbled upon someone's post of their experience at the HCMC consulate while attending their wife's interview, but it's unclear if they brought their baby in or if there was just some issue with some docs with the baby info on it.. so, I'm just hoping to get a clear answer from someone who might have experience with HCMC consulate allowing a baby in that's not being interviewed.
  6. My wife has her visa interview next month at the HCMC consulate. I will accompany my wife to her interview, but we're not sure if we'll be allowed to bring our 11 month old baby into the consulate with us. Our baby already has dual citizenship, so we're not applying for a visa for her. Anyone have any experience on wether or not we will be able to bring our baby with us into the interview?
  7. Thanks! Didn't want to get this far in the process just to be turned away on the day of the interview because we only had a print of the email..
  8. My wife received an email with her interview appointment at Ho Chi Minh US Consulate but we haven't received an interview letter in the mail. The email says we need to bring the letter to her medical exam and to the interview. Do we just print the email and bring to both appointment?
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