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Everything posted by Jayjohnson45

  1. just looking for ideals or suggestions if years ago when me and my wife were friends and she apply for a tourist visit and was refuse because she couldn’t prove strong ties to her county , i made multiple trips to her country since then now we married . two questions if ask by officer what was the purpose of the trip ? if ask what’s change since last refusal what is a good answer. keep in mind we were only friends when she was trying to visit me.
  2. guys i need your suggestion I was born in the US and my father was born in puerto rico. if they ask my wife my nationality will that be only US citizen or can he say american puerto rican or US citizen citizen with puerto rican roots.
  3. So can he say he exact amount like if it’s 55,557 say or about $42,000 to 55,000 depending on bonus and overtime
  4. There’s a section that says current annual household income that says the same amount listed in my 2022 total income
  5. Sometimes at an interview they ask the beneficiary if they know how much their spouse make per year . so if the last three years the salary was different due to overtime and bonus and the current annual salary of 2022 was like $55,813.00 do the beneficiary needs to say exactly what’s on the affidavit of support? It might sound to rehearse. year one $45,00 year two $42,000 year three $55,000 how would you word a salary question to match the affidavit of support but not sound like you memorize stuff?
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