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Everything posted by northface

  1. Thanks @Irish89 good input, " soft" rejection I mean they put off making decision till you give up, due to time and money. DOS attorney argued that Congress doesn't specify the length of DS-5535 / AP process time.
  2. Totally agree 👍, the DS-5535 & AP gave us lots frustration, trip interruption, long waiting, extra cost etc. The intensive process should be left to USCIS,CBP,FBI due to the consulate limited resources. For instance, 15-year travel history check, there is a huge work to get data from different countries such India, China ,MDEN etc, need to group a batch of cases to send out monthly or quarterly somehow. My guess that is not real time on call one by one at least They should get rid of DS-5535 process, instead let the immigration visa applicants submit finger print to FBI or DOS to clear first as internal USCIS does. That should be not an issue since we have visa waiver to US or lived in US.
  3. For positive side, looks like they are aware of delays of DS -5535, asking more budget to clear those rather than dealing with WoMs, so after November 21,2023, if nobody against it ,the budget be approved, the Ds-5535 process should be resume quickly.🤔
  4. I guess the office or DC process unit has no enough staff to clear tons of DS5535 form requests. Observed the Embassy webpage for recruiting staff in October?. Also the DC head office posted a public comment request for Extension of DS5535 use , evaluate it necessary or not,, etc. The comment close date expiring soon. Interesting to take a look www.regulations.gov/document/DOS-2023-0028-0001
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