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Lee Thacket

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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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    Portland OR
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. He should not have been arrested. On the whole the police do a good job, but sometimes they slip or do the wrong. I think incidents like this are fairly rare. I like Scot Squad as well.
  2. The incident happened back in July 2022 so RadioGenoa has picked up on it rather late. The local police commissioner criticised the officers involved. Causing anxiety in itself is not a criminal offence. I am pretty sure he is not in jail.
  3. No, you can't be sent to jail for your opinions. Lots of people turned a blind eye to what Jimmy Savile was doing. He was very popular back in the day, a good Catholic boy who loved his mum, went to mass and got knighted by the Pope for his charitable work. My problem with the Catholic Church is not some of its members were abusers. It is that the hierarchy tried to cover things up.
  4. I saw a documentary about the politician Cyril Smith years ago. He seemed to be a one man grooming gang in his home town of Rochdale just across the hills from Rotherham. The country's biggest grooming gang seems to be The Roman Catholic Church. You say, "all discussed decades ago and nothing changed." I agree with that, but there does seem to be a greater willingness to listen to victims today. The common theme with Rochdale, Rotherham and the Church appears to be a lack of belief in the children. Send people to jail if they don't properly investigate.
  5. I was under the impression that China, being so big, satisfies its labor needs internally. I found this short article about external immigration. They don't seem to like it: https://artsci.tamu.edu/news/2023/07/china-needs-immigrants.html
  6. I think they are. There is large scale migration from the Chinese countryside to the big cities. It would be interesting to know what kind of cultural factors are at play there.
  7. I am sorry. I don't know the answer to that. All I can is tell you about my own application which resulted in an approval. One short in person visit and a large age gap might lead to a denial. I hope everything goes well for you.
  8. Yes, that is the main point I took from the 370 pages in the book namely that labour market demand is the driver of legal and illegal immigration. (Myth 2: Borders are beyond control.) People come to work rather than commit crime. (Myth 12: Immigration sends crime rates soaring.) Using 2004 figures he makes the point there are six times more people involved in border enforcement than worksite enforcement. Prosecutions and fines are low. Jail time for employers of illegal immigrants is rare. (How Migration Really Works: the facts about the most divisive issue in politics, Hein de Haas, Basic Books, Hachette, 2023)
  9. Hi Charlie, I was interested to read through your covering letter. It mentions including your birth certificate and passport. Is it necessary to include both? I thought just providing one was sufficient to prove citizenship. Were you advised that including the value of your retirement fund might help your case? Kind regards, Lee
  10. Oh brilliant. I forgot to mention he has lots of videos on YouTube for those who do not want to read the book. He also had a Twitter account, but unfortunately left because of all the abuse he was getting. Migrants fleeing climate change is one of the myths he discusses in the book which I found difficult to understand. Perhaps the video will help to make it clearer for me?
  11. @pushbrk that is a really good point. I wonder why that is the case? I compared the British and American immigration rules regarding family reunification to try to decide which one to use. The British system has changed a lot over the last decade. You can't have a joint sponsor and it is difficult to petition for anyone other than your spouse. You also have to earn quite a high salary to sponsor that spouse. The USA was rated the 63rd hardest country for family unification, that is quite good in the scheme of things. PS congratulations and thanks for the 20 years of advice you have been providing. Is there going to be a party? Here is to the next 20 years!!😀
  12. Are you working in the marketing department of Colorado's tourism department? If so you're fired!
  13. He talks a lot about immigration policy in The Netherlands, but also the United States.
  14. I had evidence of three in person meetings totalling fifteen weeks. The fiance petition was approved without any requests for evidence. In person meetings count more than online chats. I did not submit any evidence of those. Your age gap is not something I can comment on. I have a six-year-age gap, but a fifty year age gap will be considered unusual. Can you meet up three or four times this year and submit a fiance petition early in 2026?
  15. I read a really great book recently, "22 Myths of Immigration" by Hein de Haas, professor of sociology at University of Amsterdam. Each chapter deals with a different myth such as immigration and crime. He makes the point that a lot of what right-wing politicians, left-wing politicians, humanitarian organisations and journalists tell you is wrong.
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