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Everything posted by samneil10

  1. I remember filling in g639 form however i deleted my account yday. That form is part of freedom of information act / privacy. I tried to access my i94 there. I did get an email saying they couldnt find anything but now i am worried since my passport number is with them , i hope the US embassy doesnt have an issue with that coz if they punch my passport number n the uscis pops up i might be in trouble as to what i was doin at the citizenshsip portal.
  2. You are right . Mayb i was overthinking. I thought the usa embassy would think i used the uscis website to apply for a green card or something
  3. So i kinda feel i made a mistake by going to the uscis instead is should have checked cbp for i94. I dont want the us embassy to think i was trying to apply for a green card there or any such thing I did get an email from the uscis saying they couldnt locate anything on my information and i have deleted my account.
  4. Thank you vicky's mom for the information but my question still persists as to whether accessing info from the USCIS will be known to the US embassy ? I asked chatgpt and it said asking for i94 from uscis isnt illegal and its perfectly confidential as in noone will know i accessed the USCIS
  5. It says bank statement and proof income with an noc letter from employer. But i wanna knw if a paycheck qualifies as a proof of income against a bank transfer for salary?
  6. I hv travelled twice without any overstay record , plus i have a good travel history to a lot places except Europe and uk It was just that i was bothered about the thought that accessing information through uscis would be an issue for a future visa application
  7. Ok but that doesnt answer my question as to whether its going to be an issue for future visa application?
  8. Yes , any help would be appreciated. I am little worried as i have to renew my b2 visa. I was told to check my immigration record on uscis but i guess they could not locate anything or i was looking at the wrong place. I was wondering if the usa embassy would know about me requesting for b2 immigration record and if that would affect my future visa application?
  9. samneil10


    I recently tried to access my b2 tourist visa record from the uscis by filling a form there. I got an email saying nothing was found or mayb i needed to fill in more details. So i dint proceed further. My query is that will the american embassy in my country of residence know about this when i reapply again for a b2 visa? And will it have any repercussions?
  10. Its a proof of salary or income which everyone needs to submit while applying i guess
  11. I receive a paycheck every month for salary which i deposit in my savings account. My b2 visa is up for renewal in a few months so i was wondering if the usa embassy accepts bank statements showing paycheck deposits against bank transfer for salaries which is quite common these days? I have pay slips for the cheks deposited every month
  12. thanks everyone for your feedback. my goal was MIT once upon a time. not anymore. its funny when you think of it that there's nothing in the first place. a plain conversation led to so much paranoia. if there were issues my entry would be questioned further or denied. i guess my travel history to other place's mattered too. i seemed like a genuine tourist.
  13. u seem to b right. so a history of no overstays and proper ties to your country is all that matters? i just thought all the recorded info was relayed back to theb US embassy in my country and i wud be questioned as to y i spoke abt my desire to study at MIT if i gt called for an interview on a waiver.
  14. i guess i am overthinking. so its my visa use and no overstays that matter? if there was an issue i would be subjected to a secondary verification mayb. flagging happens i assume only under some security circumstances. as long as i exited on time i shud be good i guess
  15. not sure abt the nature of the conversation recorded. it depends i guess. if ur on a tourist visa and arrive here fr a conference it might be worth noting. i just got paranoid abt my conversation abt MIT. well he did ask me if i wanted to study and i said no n i was let in with an additional comment by him. to try. mayb he wanted me to go back home n apply. i heard a lot of ppl. come in on tourist visa to. check Universities n colleges n go back home n come back. on student visas. so its not something to be flagged about i guess
  16. even if it does a lot of people have different conversations. don't think everything is recorded except ofcourse its a security issue or some passport related issue. cbp is required to ascertain if ur eligible to pass and enter. i guess once they r confident they let u in. i am guessing inspite of my conversation i should be ok since i did exit on time in 2 weeks. plus i have a stable job in my country to. prove ties.
  17. i agree. but does it seem like I was flagged? I read the cbp doesn't share info in the your resident country until its a serious issue.
  18. i m a little worried right now. checking on google bard and chtgpt is also confusing. hope i wasn't flagged or anything for saying that. from what i gathered doesn't seem like flagging. but if i was flagged it wud affect my renewal
  19. so finally.. shud i be worried abt expressing my desire to study at MIT? i wasnt subject to a secondary verification or anything but allowed to pass.
  20. i work for the same firm since 2012 on manager work permit same as my previous application 9 years ago. i also have a good travel history.
  21. i did some research and even asked chatgpt. seems unless ur flagged and subject to a secondary verification u r good to go and plus i exited on time. no overstays. guess talking abt studying at MIT was a casual conversation. i honestly hope it doesn't interfere with my renewal.
  22. so the cbp doesn't record or share every conversation with the US Embassy in your resident country? and a few of my friends also said that if i was flagged or anything i wud be subjected to a. secondary verification which i wasnt. i was allowed to pass through. i just wanted to know if my statement ant studying at MIT wud some how impact my b1/b2 visa renewal.
  23. i recently traveled to new jersey. this is my second trip on my ten year visa. so at the immigration i. got asked a few questions about why i was here, my work life back home in Bahrain, etc (i am an indian citizen by the way). so when i was asked abt my travel plans i sort of said i always wanted to study at MIT but i couldn't get in so i finished my software engineering in india and now i wanted to see the place. he asked me if i wanted to study or get an admission to which i denied and said its not possible. he handed over my passport and before i left he said i shud try. i exited the country 2 weeks later. i have been thinking abt it ever since if he entered something or flagged me in the system that would show up at the US embassy here. will it be an issue when i apply for renewal? or am i just overthinking?
  24. i guess so. MIT is quite a prestigious place for anyone to say they dreamt of studying there.i think if my talking abt it was in issue i wouldn't have been let out or subjected to a secondary verification. just wanted some feedback. and having traveled twice helps to renew before visa expires i assume. m not really sure if i wud get called for interview since i asked most of the people who renewed their visas. my only change from the previous application is that i will be paying for the trip this time. some never got asked for a bank statement even the first time in the interview even though they carried it along. i think they are more concerned with overstayers.
  25. i also would like to knw something else. i recently traveled to Boston . at the immigration i got asked the usual questions but when asked abt travel plans i said i always wanted to study at MIT but i couldn't get in so i always wanted to see the place. he asked me if i wanted to study or get admission n i said no. so i was handed my passport n let in. so will it be an issue in the future for renewal or was it just a casual conversation. he also said i shud try fr MIT before i left. hope my conversations not recorded or shared with the embassy back home.
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