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Everything posted by SMSL

  1. When I had my medical in Naples I had all of my vaccines in order and up to date so I cannot tell exactly how they handle it by experience BUT there was this guy right after me who had missing vaccines on his record and we managed to talk while waiting. I can't recall which ones he was missing but but he did receive two shots there at the Varelli and there was another one which would have required two doses so they didn't give it to him but he was told he would have to get it done by the time he immigrated; I assume they must have added a note in his yellow packet or something. You can probably try and go with your note and see what happens, at worse you'll get the doses there. Remember though that you have the interview the following day and you want to be in the best shape possible for that so consider that receiving those shots in Naples might affect your health. Buona fortuna!
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