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Posts posted by Salva

  1. Things were fine between us before she joined school. The problems started few weeks after she joined school and thats where she met the guy who she cheated me with. It started with taking my debit card, not answering my calls, texts, no conversations whatso ever till it got to the point where she would threat me, kick me out of the room and then we started sleeping seprate. I had to ask her permmission for smallest of the things and I was not allowed to make any decision about my ownself and if i did so she would get too vocal and start beating me. She would call on my job and address me with different names. I was sleeping at my job place for several nights till my employer help me with some space in his basement where I lived for a month. She would rip my clothes, take my ID,SSN card etc etc. and all these things are documented and I have screenshots of her textual conversation.   

  2. it was a legitimate marriage, we spend around 20k on wedding and in addition to that I came here on K1. Prior to k1 visa we were in relationship for 2 years although it was long distance. After an accident in 2018 as I said she was bed rested for over a year and had multiplie surgeries and procedures and during that time I couldn't get any bonafide like account and insurance etc. in 2019 when she got back on her feet the, her behaviour towards me was already changed and abuse was already started. she was dating some other man from her school for that I have tons of proof and currently she is married to same man so whatever plans I made she was not intrested with any. i caught her red handed with that man in our room and then we ended in divorce.

  3. Thank you for everyone's response. The problem with applying divorce wavier was I did not have enough evidence to show bonafide marriage, No joint auto or medical insurance, No joint vehicle and I am assuming based on these factors my lawyer applied abuse wavier. By the time my ex wife got back on her feet the abuse had already started it just took me a bit to realize what's happening with me and at that point she was not interested with any of the so called "joint stuff" and my lawyer applied for abuse wavier without even consulting me. I dont know at this point what will be the outcome of my case but the entire situation is too stressful for me and what's stressing me more is USCIS customer rep is not telling me anything about my case. On November 7 my case will be out of processing times and I am planning to submit an inquiry november 8 to get their attention on my case.  

  4. Hi, 


    I have been a silent reader of this forum and it educated alot more about my case more than my lawyer. please provide any advice. I am currently in really bad situation, as my i-751 has been pending since feb 2021.  long story short as soon my ex wife started getting better after accident things changed between us, she became voilent, vocal, aggresive,`abusive towards me and took control of all my belongings. she kicked out of the house and I was living at my employers house for who i used to work for. I have strong evidence of her cheating on me as I caught her red handed. Fast forward aug 2020 I moved out and filed for divorce in march 2021, before filling for divorce I hired a lawyer who filed i-751 abuse wavier in feb 2021. The problem with my case is I never called cops on my ex wife as i would get direct threats from her and i never went to any physc evaluation and unfortunately my lawyer never told me to do so. I recently got the notification from USCIS that my case is transferred to NBC so that interview can be scheduled. Before case transfer I got the RFE asking for medical reports, police reports, my personal statement, and pictures. apart from police report, medical report, affidavits from counselor I submitted affidavits from my  ex step father in law, my ex wife's uncle, and my ex collogues who witnessed abuse marks on my body. My submission includes strong evidence of my ex wife cheating on me, affidavits testifying physical, emotional, financial abuse from my ex wife, text conversations screenshot of my ex wife threatening me, insulting me, calling me names, joint sub lease, letter from her doctor that i was with my ex wife during her hospitalization, pictures of my wounds, some pictures of us together, pictures with her family. we had a joint bank account together but my ex wife took it down in 3 weeks after opening it without my knowledge. I also submitted documentation for that. Now I am having some serious doubts on my case as the more reviews I am reading here people have tons of evidence for their case and compare to them I dont have much. should I just enhance my i-751 and change to divorce wavier instead? My lawyer is also ripping me off too as of now I have paid him around $10K but I feel like he don't know what he is doing. I dont know what will be the outcome of my case, I call USCIS and they are saying we are not able to provide any info on your case. I am really depressed!!!!! please advice and thank you!

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