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ronnie5327's Achievements

  1. Here is the detailed info: Trip Duration - May 2019-Jan 2020 - 9 months New anniversary date started - Jan 31, 2020. Now, if we file 5 yrs - 90 days, do we have to show 9 months(date left & date returned) in the form/portal while adding trips? If not, what to enter in "date left"? Also, from one of the youtube videos of 2021, I came across the verbiage that USCIS honors the days outside of US within 5 yrs retroactively. They will ignore days from trip despite it was longer than 5 yrs ago. Attached image for exact verbiage. Thanks for the reply and Hope to get more answers.
  2. My parents had a residency requirement disrupted back in 2019 where they stayed overseas for more than 6 months. We had to reset the clock for 5 yrs since years prior to 2019 had same issues. For naturalization, how soon they can file n-400 considering the new anniversary date started on 01/31/2020. Thanks for your help.
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