Thank you all for your input! It's greatly appreciated, honestly.
I have our 1099 joint filings, and our health insurance cards, she is a joint holder on my UK bank account. Oh, and I have around 900 photo's dating back from 2015/2023. I'm sure I can ask the father-in-law to sign an affidavit before all of the chaos ensues. Once I find out my rights on Thursday my plan is to start moving some of my stuff into a storage unit that I have, the wife generally complains about all of the car stuff and tools so, I figured that'd be a place to start storing stuff before we split and I find an apartment in Orlando. It genuinely does hurt after 8 years knowing that we both want different things, I.E I want kids, she does not. She wants to move back to Europe, I do not. But, also how the attitude has changed drastically. Also very scary not knowing what can happen to me as In these nearly 3 years I personally have accomplished a lot... It would be a shame to see that all go to waste. But, from knowing my wife's personality I believe that she would still continue to assist me with the GC as she isn't a bad person or malicious like that, unless I started dating someone else prior to the completion... we just want different things. Once again, thank you. I'll definitely update this come Thursday.