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Everything posted by mtchristman

  1. Well my Fiancé has to do the sputum testing. No surprise there as she has had TB and has scaring on her lungs. She has already done the three days of testing. Something that I haven’t seen listed before is that she has to go back twice. She did the three day testing 10/25/23 to 10/27/23. She has to go back for another appointment on 11/07/23 for a sputum smear result? Then she will have to go back in December for the sputum culture result. She thinks the November smear result test is a random thing. Any ideas on this?
  2. Fiancé kids passports are expiring in April of 2024. They have a Embassy interview scheduled for Dec 5, 2023. They have an appointment before then to get new passports. Will they need old and new passports? My understanding is at passport renewal they will punch a hole in old passport. What do I have them do?
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