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Everything posted by Goodnews2023

  1. It took 3days from approval to receiving a letter from NVC for payment. We are working with attorney which is making the process easy. Gathering documents then set up interview and biometrics at the embassy. This was the hardest wait, the rest should go easy. All the best for those waiting. I’ll clock out.
  2. No idea. Will see when I receive the notice by mail.
  3. Petition for my daughter, 20yr old from Africa. I am USC 09/14/2023 initial filing 09/21/2023 Active reviewing 01/30/2025 approval 16.6months total All the best for everyone. This is not easy to wait this long. I did petition for her just few months to her 21st birthday so she was grandfathered as a minor <21yr unmarried. Again, may all September 2023 filers get approved this week. May your weekend be filled with joy. All the best and thank you all for posting your stories.
  4. I can see the status to actively reviewing but I can’t see the estimated time for specific case I-130. Where do y’all come up with specific 2month, 4months , 8months etc timelines? Share the link. A citizen for many years trying to get my daughter here. Dr. R
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