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Everything posted by Teju25222023

  1. I was able to find slots for next month did you guys have any luck finding slots. I think they did release slots yesterday.
  2. But from India not many people apply for a K1 visa right, many go for a student visa. I do not know if India will get that full. Also, are the ofc appointment dates available for all visa categories? Is it common to everyone or does it vary according to the visa type? When is the expected month for the visa slot opening?
  3. Thank you so much are you in any K1 visa groups on WhatsApp or telegram Please add me if possible so that I can know any information and can stay updated
  4. Please do let me know if any slots are available
  5. Yes same situation we have ready status and its been 2 weeks we are getting no slots available for every location please let me know if anything is available
  6. Hi I am also looking for slots at the Indian consulate and every location is showing no slots available. Me and my fiancé are checking everyday and still nothing. I do not know when slots will be available. Please let me know if they open we are also at ready status and its been 2 weeks since we got ready status. Please do inform if slots are available and open.
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