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Everything posted by adae

  1. Hey! I am the beneficiary in my K-1 Visa journey and am helping my fiancée fill out the I-129F, but we are unsure about the proper way to fill out additional addresses and employment history. We want to make sure everything is filled out correctly to avoid any issues. My fiancée (the petitioner) has a total of 3 jobs to list and 3 addresses to list. My first question is in regard to Part 1, 9a-10b; It states to "Provide your current address first if it is different from your mailing address". Since his current address is the same as his mailing address, we wrote N/A for all spaces except 10a and 10b where we stated the date relating to his current address. I read that this was the accepted way to do it in another forum post on this website, but wanted to double check this was still the case. Second question is about additional address and employment listing. Since there are only 2 spots for each, and he needs to list 3 for each (address and employment), what is the proper way to do so? Currently for the address portion we have filled out Physical Address 1 with N/A (since it is the same as mailing address), and then in Physical Address 2 we wrote "See Part 8". For the employment part, we filled out his current employer in Employer 1, and then in Employer 2 we filled with N/A and wrote "See Part 8". I've attached screenshots of both page 2 and page 13. On page 13, 5.d. I wrote an example of how we formatted the information. Any help is appreciated!
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