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Everything posted by Lance-Skywalker

  1. Thank you for that I been studying like you said and I think that is about it just a few questions here and there.
  2. No my wife lives in Bermuda and I live in Mississippi we trying to be together an get this process going
  3. -Affidavit be people you know right or family? Do I give each a copy to fill out? -what if I don’t meet the the income requirements last year. -What if I have address twice and same job twice but name of job changed in my time -Personal information. Within 5 year Lived at a location for 21 years and left old job. Move to a place for a year had a job and all things didn’t go well and then moved back to previous place for 21 year lived there for a year I got my old job back but it’s under another company’s name. I moved
  4. Thank you so much pushbrk one last question before beginning my A-Student quest. Outside of signatures could I fill applications out with adobe instead of writing on applications?
  5. Why can’t she just file for N-400
  6. Any forms uncle needs to fill out or be aware of? and great thanks visa journey has helped me so just to clarify. I-130 Cr1 pay fees do affidavit and nvc and what about the medical part of things. Should I add the following on forms below 1-paid taxes for internship 2-graduate from College in US 3-Part of Track teams so she comes to states to compete constantly even after college. 4-has a F1 Visa (expired)
  7. I appreciate it guys, we are going to start the process this week and needed clarification. We both went to college in MS got married in MS and she went back she has a F-1 visa she got a SSN for internship paid taxes she is in the system. My uncle and I live together and I have 3 jobs that should equals the required income. She can travel back and forward without a visa. With all this information at hand I should be fine right? Also is it income per person or total amount. For the poverty guidelines? Lastly is it best to file online or mail.
  8. Thanks and Sorry I’m in US my wife is in Bermuda
  9. My wife and I met at the college back in 2018. we were both attending and graduated from. now we wanted to take it serious and got married in Jan 23rd 2023 since January we been just making preparations to be together stack money and complete our last stretch with our certifications we are earning.we are currently in our abroad countries im US she is Bermudian. I want to start the process and I’ve done a bit of research but I’m new to this information is it best we complete our process our selves or so company like boundless immigration, greencard hero, or simple citizen to do it?Any other alternative we can’t afford a lawyer I’m afraid. I currently live with my uncle until the duration of process is over. What role does my uncle plays since I live with him . as far as I can tell we don’t have criminal records, we both graduated from college,she has Had a visa to go to school with she paid taxes and had intership, and I work 3 jobs, and will be during the duration of process. Need guidance and point me in the direction on beginning the process.
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