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  1. All. Thank you for your help and contribution. The Embassy in PRG has finally responded and we have a date.
  2. Sorry @Boiler - That was a response from my phone. It's tough to respond in that way. What I was trying to articulate is: When scheduling an appointment at the embassy, whether for passport, citizen services, etc. There is an option for "Notary Services, Other". That is the one that I selected. As it so happens, my 2nd passport is expiring this month and I've another meeting next week to renew that. Maybe there I can speak to someone at the consulate about the DCF. If not successful, then I will go to them the following week. I have a again emailed the pragueivp@state.gov and am getting the same canned response. @Crazy Cat - I believe you are right, however, when I called the embassy, I get routed to a Philipino call center and there they said I have to go that route and file with USCIS. I'm loath to rely on a foreigners interpretation of rules and destroy my one chance to get back home. Here is the response from PragueIVP: AUTOMATED REPLY We've launched a new Visa Navigator to better answer your visa questions. All inquiries must use the Navigator. Please go there now to find the answer to your question or instructions for contacting us. If your question is not answered, follow the instructions under "All Other Questions" to contact our team. If you do not use the Navigator, your email will NOT be answered. IMPORTANT! Please note that the formatting requirements for the subject line are very strict. Inquiries that do not follow the subject line formatting instructions will be deleted without a response. AUTOMATICKÁ ODPOVĚĎ Zprovoznili jsme nový informační systém Visa Navigator, který vám lépe zodpoví vaše dotazy týkající se víz. Veškeré dotazy musí být položeny prostřednictvím Vízového Navigátora. Pomocí Navigátora získáte odpovědi na své otázky nebo rady, jak se na nás obrátit. Pokud váš dotaz nebyl zodpovězen ani po prohlédnutí Navigátora, postupujte podle pokynů v části "Všechny ostatní dotazy" a kontaktujte náš tým osobně. Na váš e-mail NEBUDE odpovězeno, pokud jste k zodpovězení svých otázek nepoužili Navigátor. DŮLEŽITÉ! Upozorňujeme, že požadavky na formátování předmětu jsou velmi přísné. Žádosti, které nebudou splňovat pokyny pro formátování řádku předmětu, budou bez odpovědi smazány. ------------------------ Here is what they require: All Other Immigrant Visa Questions EMAIL US at PragueIVP@state.gov following the instructions below. USE THIS SUBJECT LINE: M99 - OTHER QUESTION - FULL NAME Last Name First Name Immigrant visa case number Date of your interview Description of your situation
  3. Hello folks, Hoping to find some advice here on what we have been attempting at the Embassy in Prague and what we are doing wrong. We have asked the Embassy, through multiple emails, for directions on and approval for a DCF but have not gotten a response at all over the past month. I'm at wits end on what to do now. I've gone ahead and scheduled an appt for 10/18, but our expected move date is Jan 1st and it is now in Jeopardy given the lack of help from the Embassy here. I've emailed the following: 1. PragueIVP@state.gov We followed this guide: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZXBDsu-ANwgQHtekiCa91cZNb4AEpvh-YcaXKhAvxozGaXg/formResponse?pli=1 And emailed the above, but we do not have a Visa Case number or date. What do we do here? Should we go ahead and file our I-130 online at USCIS and get a Case number? And yes, I've tried calling the Embassy 3-5 times per week over the past 5 weeks. I do not get any answers or cannot reach anyone. It's like they avoid talking to people.
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