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Posts posted by FolieADeux

  1. We had our visa approved back in May, and my fiance just entered the US a few days ago to start the 90 day process. I have our wedding planned at a small venue at the end of September, so the 90th day would be the second week of October. However, when the Customs officer took my fiance's packet and asked what our wedding date is, he told my fiance that's cutting it too close because we have to file for AOS by the 90th day and they have to receive the paperwork. This has terrified me and now I don't know what to think. If we needed to have gotten married AND have confirmation that they received our AOS request by the 90th day, then why does it say we have 90 days to "get married"? Shouldn't they say "receive AOS application by 90 days"?? I don't know if that customs guy was just being a ####### or if he's correct, but now I'm really scared we won't have enough time to apply for the AOS and he could get deported.


    I tried to look for this question in the forums but I don't see that anyone else has asked it yet.

    Please help!!

  2. 55 minutes ago, appleblossom said:


    He can't phone the consulate about it, he needs to phone Visa Medicals. Or (probably easier) just call his doctor to try and decode his medical record if it's not clear to him what vaccinations he's had. If he's had all the other standard vaccinations and lived in the UK then I'm pretty sure he'll have had pertussis as part of one of the normal childhood jabs. 


    Good luck. 

    I'll relay this to him, thank you again.

    Unfortunately he did go back through his childhood vaccinations and there is no record of him getting the pertussis vaccine. I'm not sure why that would be, as he was born in the 90's.  But yes, this has to be in his hands. I have no way of contacting people over there. I'm generally the one trying to spearhead difficult tasks but I have to sit back on this one lol. It also sounds like since he got the DIP/TET/PO that might be sufficient...? I don't know, I'm just going to let things happen. We were trying to be proactive as he hasn't even gone to his medical exam yet so he can ask them when he does that to be sure.


    Take care and thank you again.

  3. 1 hour ago, appleblossom said:


    But you said above he'd had DTAP (which is pertussis), now you say it's DTP - has he had both? If not, which is it?


    @SalishSea, in the UK polio isn't routinely given separately. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/polio/

    I am realizing that this whole situation is way over my head - I thought I would get a straightforward answer in here but I have concluded I have no clue how this stuff works in the UK, plus I didn't realize there were so many variations of these vaccine combinations.

    I told my fiance he's going to have to figure it out on his own because I am seeing all sorts of conflicting information everywhere and I don't have the knowledge to get answers. He's going to call the embassy tomorrow, tell them what exactly he received when he got his other vaccinations and find out what he needs.

    I realize you all are trying to give me useful information and I appreciate you taking the time to do that. This whole process has been so exhausting and frustrating. Thanks for trying to help me!

  4. 9 hours ago, SalishSea said:

    This is absolutely NOT correct.  Polio is an entirely separate vaccine that is not ever combined with other vaccines.  The P in both of these is pertussis.


    Very much doubt you will find a single agent pertussis vaccine either in the US or UK.  It is combined with the other vaccines into DtaP or TDaP, and typically given to adults in the US every 10 years as a tetanus booster, even though it provides protection against diphtheria and pertussis as well.


    Source:  RN x 24 years.

    Look, he has the receipt for his vaccine. Maybe that's true in your country, but not his. His clearly shows "DIP/TET/PO", all in one. Don't need your toxicity in here.

  5. 20 hours ago, appleblossom said:

    Has he actually had his medical yet? Any missing vaccines can be given there, we each had a couple given to us last summer when we had ours (different ones for each of us). 



    He hasn't, but that is really good news if that is true! I told him to try and call the embassy tomorrow and ask them if he really needs it because every place he has contacted has told him they only offer Pertussis to pregnant women and children, so maybe he can just ask them about it there. Thank you!

  6. 29 minutes ago, appleblossom said:


    The P in DTAP is Pertussis, not Polio. https://www.aboutwhoopingcough.com/tdap-vaccine/tdap-and-dtap/#:~:text=What is the difference between,for infants and young children and https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/dtap-tdap-td/public/index.html


    They're given routinely in the UK so he should have had it as a child (all 4 of us had had it, ranging in age from early teens to mid fifties). 



    But if he's unsure then he can check with his doctor, or if he hasn't actually had his medical yet (I assume not) then he can phone and ask them to double check. 


    Good luck. 

    he didn’t have it as a child.

    he needs it now.

  7. 7 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    Hi as was posted long ago in this thread:


    Its a little out of date now but some info still applies. 


    What fiancé needs to get is a Td or Tdap to be covered. Make sure you have a record of receiving it along with anything else required. If you'd really like him to get a pertussis vaccine, that can be done stateside, just for his own health, but Knightbridge will be good with Td or Tdap. If you have not received the required vaccines before going to Knightbridge or do not intend to receive the vaccines at Knightsbridge appointment, then everything you get afterwards will have to be recertified by a US civil surgeon when you file AOS after marriage.

    DTAP and TDAP are not the same thing. The P in one stands for pertussis and Polio in the other one. The one he got is DTAP which includes Polio, so he still needs Pertussis since it is required. The list doesn't say dtap OR tdap... it clearly spells out Pertussis. This is why I am so concerned because no one wants to give it to him.

    I'm wondering if he tells them he will get it stateside that will be sufficient since he can't seem to get it over there.



  8. Part of the list of required vaccines for my fiance in the UK is a Pertussis. Unfortunately he can't find anyone who is willing to give it to him because the doctors offices are insisting they are only available for children and pregnant women.
    I don't understand why the embassy would require this when it's not even available for men. Does anyone have any advice or a personal experience with this situation? We have everything else we need done before the interview, this is the only thing left.


    Thank you!

  9. 13 minutes ago, J.M. said:

    A certified copy usually would come from the court where the divorce took place.  How you obtain it would depend on the local policies for that particular court.  For me (in Texas), it was just a matter of going to the court records department, asking for a certified copy and paying a small fee.  Here, a certified copy just has something like "certified true and correct copy" printed on every page and has a seal on the final page.  I cannot advise if the UK consulate will want a certified copy or just a copy.

    Ok, thanks that is super helpful! Well I'm going to have to do a bit more work because I don't live in the state where I got divorced anymore. I got divorced in Illinois and I moved to North Carolina since 2018 lol. I'll call the county tomorrow and ask them if there's some way I can order a copy online. I tried to check their online records website but when I searched for it, it said they don't have any record of it in their database. I'll figure it out somehow. But anyway thank you again for your assistance!

  10. 27 minutes ago, J.M. said:

    Petitioner is you, the US citizen.

    Beneficiary is your foreign fiancé


    I-134 is completed by the you, the petitioner.

    Tax returns will be yours.

    I have one other question if you don't mind. It says on this list that it requires my divorce certificate, Original or Certified Copy. I was previously married and I do have my original divorce decree, but there's no way in hell I am mailing that to the UK when the mail situation is so unreliable. Do you know if they really do want to see a certified copy and what that would look like? Like, is that something I can go to a currency exchange, have them make a copy and get a notary stamp on it? I'm not really sure what that means. Could you advise?

  11. Hi everyone, I've got a few questions that I am struggling to find answers to and would appreciate some guidance.


    Our visa petition has been approved, and my fiance (UK citizen) received a list of items that he needs to bring to the interview. I'm confused at some of the wording and verbiage from the letter he received and want to make sure we get everything right so there's no problems.


    At the top of the letter, it says "Documents you are required to complete and provide for your K visa interview". The key words here are "you are required to complete and provide." We are not sure if the i-134 is a form that I, the American citizen, needs to complete or not because it says "You", while being addressed to my non-American fiance. So if someone could help clarify who is supposed to fill out this form (me, the American sponsor, or him, the UK citizen), I would really appreciate it.


    And in relation to this question, I was looking at the form and the very first question is "I am filing this form on behalf of: Myself as the beneficiary. Another individual who is the beneficiary", where we must tick a box for one of these options. But that is where the problem lies because I don't know who is supposed to be filling this out to begin with. Also, what is the definition of the word "beneficiary"? Is my non-American fiance the beneficiary or am I?


    Also, right after where it lists Affidavit of Support I-134 on the letter, it states "current tax returns". I'm not sure if they want my tax returns, his tax returns or both. They unfortunately gave little to no clarifying information for any of these things and I'm at a loss.


    I did try to search on here to see if anyone had asked about these issues before and couldn't find any prior posts related to a UK citizen.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  12. Hello,


    My fiance is here visiting me while our k1 is pending. We filed in May so there are still months away before they start processing it. He would like to extend his trip by another three weeks, but I'm wondering what would happen IF (big if) somehow they did get to our visa application and approved it while he is still here. Would that be bad or detrimental at all? I know he has to go home regardless because he has to do the biometrics and interview, plus he has to leave anyway to go back to work. But I'm just wondering if by some long-shot while he is here mid-December and they approve our visa, could that affect our application in some negative way, or can he safely return home to finish up the rest of the application requirements and then come back for us to get married?


    Hope that isn't too confusing! Thanks.

  13. On 8/26/2023 at 6:11 PM, HappyWifeBeth said:

    NOA-1  5/9/23

    Hello 👋  This has probably been asked before but tbh I'm not good at finding things in the forums.  There are just so many posts!!


    So I'm curious about the different timelines online.  Here it says 14-17 months, my rapidvisa timeline says 6-8 months, and trackmyvisanow says 8-10 months to go from NOA1-NOA2.  Are any of these timelines based on the immigrant country of birth, or are they just timelines across the board for everyone?  Are certain countries processed faster than others?

    How are my fellow May 2023'ers holding up?  I feel like it's too early in the process for me to be struggling already..

    i have the same question. been waiting over 4 months now, trackmyvisanow says 8 month processing time… i just can’t see that they are going to get from Oct 22- may 23 in 3.5 months. i’m guessing it’s going to be at least six more months which is frustrating. 

  14. 24 minutes ago, BLRH said:

    Heya! I'm a UK citizen and a K1 applicant, so I'm in the same boat as your fiance. We filed in May 2022, and I've visited my fiance in the USA 3 times since then (once for a month in 2022, and then two 14-night stays this year separated by 5 months). My experience was the usual questioning (why are you here, where are you staying, how long are you staying etc) but I've never been asked to provide physical proof. On one occasion (one of the 14-night trips), the officer pointed out that I'd visited the USA a lot (I had also visited my now-fiance a few times before we got engaged), but I explained that we were waiting for a K1 visa and that my fiance and I were just trying to see each other once every couple of months - because we're forced to live apart. He warned me that the next officer might not be so understanding, but I entered again 5 months later and the officer didn't even ask me a single question! I think it's partly luck of the draw.

    It's anxiety-inducing and very stressful - I hate arriving in the US, not knowing whether the officer will be in a good mood or a bad mood. The USA to UK flights are much more expensive, but if you haven't already visited, it's a much more chilled experience - straight through the e-gates and no questions asked!

    Does your fiance pay monthly rent or a mortgage? I'd say that's pretty good evidence that he's gonna return to the UK. Might be worth taking a rent or mortgage agreement, just in case?

    thank you so so much for your response! It is very comforting and encouraging to see your experience and know that others have been through this successfully. OK, that’s very helpful and I feel a lot better now after reading your post. He has no criminal record and we have visited each other about six times in the past two years. nothing excessive, we usually wait 3 to 4 months before we go back-and-forth. I think it’s pretty reasonable but obviously I am biased 😂

    OK I will tell him to bring as much as he can to show his ongoing obligations at home, it sounds like that will definitely help. I’m just really worried that he’s going to get an officer who is in a bad mood and tries to interrogate him. I can’t see why they would deny him entry but I have read a few horror stories and I just want to do as much as I can to prevent that from happening

    thank you again. We are going on for months into waiting so I’m really praying that we will hear something back by January.

  15. 41 minutes ago, Mike E said:

    I see nothing unique in your situation that has not been covered in the sticky


     1. The more times he goes to the well, and more he drinks each time, the more likely the well will go dry


    2. He has weak ties to the UK


    3. If asked to withdraw his application to enter the U.S., he should not attempt to enter for some time. If he is given an expedited removal, it is a 5 year ban. Between the two extremes, his ESTA could be canceled. Using a pre-clearance port will avoid expedited removal.

    seeing as the stickied post contains thousands of conversations I haven’t read every single one.

    the poetic response is confusing.. I am seeking clear answers to my questions. telling me about drinking too much water doesn’t have anything to do with my fiance visiting me lol. it will be the first time he is visiting me while our visa is pending. 

    what do you mean withdraw his application to enter the US? Are you saying they would ask him to withdraw his application for the K1 to visit me for a little while? Why would they even ask that, in what situation would that even come up? obviously if that’s the case then there’s no way he would cancel our application that we’ve been waiting on for months already.

  16. Hello,


    My fiance and I filed in mid-May and understand there is a long haul ahead as far as waiting goes. I see the stickied post that he CAN potentially visit me in the US since this process is likely going to take a year or more, but I have a few concerns that I don't see mentioned in that post, or I missed it somewhere:


    1. Since my fiance is a UK citizen and has the ESTA approved already, what are the chances that he could get denied entry into the US? Is it just up to if the officer is in a bad mood or not that day, or is there a very strong chance he won't be interrogated and sent back home because he is UK citizen and has no criminal record, etc? Basically I'm wondering if we should be very worried about this, or if we can be pretty confident he will be let in. If the chances are low and it could affect our visa application, I'd rather not take the chance.

    2. I see that he should bring "proof" that he intends to go home, I'm trying to come up with examples of what that could be. He works for himself so he doesn't have a boss who can write him a letter of employment or anything like that. I saw that a return ticket isn't enough proof to the customs officer, so I don't know what else can be used as "proof". How can someone PROVE that they will be going home? Sending family photos? I'm just not sure what we can do to make sure they know he doesn't intend to overstay.

    3. If he does end up getting denied entry (God forbid), what does that mean? Will that negatively affect our pending k1? Will it be flagged and result in it being rejected (my worst nightmare)?


    Thanks so much, I hope it's ok to post this here. If I'm supposed to post somewhere else please let me know - new to this forum.



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