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Status Updates posted by realsuccess

  1. Not sure Where to Post What??? Someone PLEASE Help me and send a link or answers to: robhill2011@gmail.com Thank you in advance and have a Great Holiday Season.

    1. Adriene H

      Adriene H

      What's going on exactly?

    2. Kathryn41


      I've let Site Administration know you are having problems. In the meantime have you looked here yet? This may help: http://www.visajourney.com/content/newmembers

    3. Kathryn41


      ok - link doesn't work. Go to 'Home' and select 'New Members guide' on the Welcome page.

  2. Not sure Where to Post What??? Someone PLEASE Help me and send a link or answers to: robhill2011@gmail.com Thank you in advance and have a Great Holiday Season.

  3. OK, that was easy... So, I am a USCit. Married 8 yrs to a wonderful Chinese Girl who wants a Green Card. Where & Who should I ask questions

  4. HOW do I post a question?

    1. didopage


      Go on the forum section http://www.visajourney.com/forums/

      and start a new topic if you don't find answers in already existing topics. :)

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