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Everything posted by PICCOLO23

  1. can anyone provide what documents are needed for actual interview besides what is listed on embassy website. would they ask anything other than what they have listed. guess want to prepare ahead of time and also have more documents rather be short in documents if they were to ask.
  2. my certificate says six months on it from home country will their rule of 2 years override that?
  3. Good luck on you interview today. Hoping for the best for you and your fiancee
  4. How often have you guys emailed the embassy?
  5. side questions but how long are police background checks good for? Is it a year or if police certificate says 6 months on it
  6. side questions but how long are police background checks good for? Is it a year or if police certificate says 6 months on it
  7. Also looking at your timeline they gave you such short notice in between packet 4 and interview date.
  8. Congratulations!! 🥳 Exciting news. Let us know how the interview goes
  9. @Kokopuff I got the same response as you. They need more time to process
  10. about the same 14.5 months. I think it does not matter but we can.
  11. I'll email them today. My case didnt turn ready until end of July unfortunately From what I have read online for USCIS they give more priority to marriage cases then K1 but I was not sure if thats the case with Embassy as well.
  12. @Kokopuff At least they replied to you. They didnt even respond to me. How long have you been waiting,...I mean your case in "READY" status>? @Kokopuff Can you ask them for a timeframe geez...its only our marriage thats halted lol
  13. @Kokopuff ask them how much more time lol Also, I heard K1 visa are not priority on their list
  14. @Kokopuff The navigator just gives your the email and template to email them with. Or am I missing something. Do they have a whatsapp number? lol
  15. @Kokopuff "set" or "send" our schedule? Have you got a response from them yet?
  16. @Kaan The status will change in few days but getting an interview thats where the wait is
  17. @Kokopuff What you mean by " our hope are with them to send us the schedule." Can they publish the interview dates to us?
  18. @Jaykeed did they ever respond to you yet? @Kokopuff oh ok yea i have not gotten anything from Embassy yet
  19. @Kokopuff the welcome letter I got is from NVC looks like this
  20. @Kokopuff What does your letter look like it should state that NVC is now transferring your case and at the bottom it should have a case number. @Jaykeed when you guys emailed the embassy what format did you use meaning subject and body information? I sent one email a while back and they never responded to me
  21. @Jaykeed Have you heard anything from the Embassy. I am still a month into my case being "Ready" status.
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