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Everything posted by AJ19962346

  1. 😩😩😩😩 O God why its Canada .. why its slow ...
  2. Congratulations glad you got your interview letter..
  3. Thanks is it a FB group?
  4. Can you share the link to other group?
  5. Hi where did you see they sent interview letters ? Is it for March DQ people?
  6. If we leave to US shouldn't we need to update DS260 again ? Also after submitting local PCC once we leave the country wont that be invalid and we then have to get new PCC?
  7. So true .. Even some do adjustment of status from visitor's visa to immigrant visa without even facing any consequences. When clearly USCIS says people should not overstay visitor's status. And people like us who go through all these struggles and pain , waiting , who do everything right and according to the rule doesnt have any perks others than suffering and be away from their dear ones. 😔😔😔
  8. Did anyone else from March DQ list got their Interview letter?
  9. So he do accepts the titres test?
  10. Thanks dear... appreciate your response.. i will once again confirm with the doctors office.
  11. Probably get the vaccines no other choice..
  12. You can call them ask will they accept the proof of immunity or not .. here in ontario there are two common panel physician from which one doesnt accept the proof of immunity and the other one sends the medical exam records late. If there is anyone in Ontario please let me know which panel physician would be good for the medical exam .
  13. Also I saw Dr Zatsman ( one of the panel physician) from Vaugan dont accepts the proof of immunity , i even called them now they said they need vaccine records and even on their website it's not mentioned that they will accept proof of immunity . On the other hand Dr Randall Lee ( again the panel physician) from Scarborough accepts the proof of immunity but the reviews are bad about him also the delay to get the medical exam records is high in his case as per review. Does anyone know which panel physician should be the best for medical exam ?
  14. How long is titres test result valid for ?
  15. Yup .. thats what US requuires .. tdap , MMR , Varicella(chickenpox) , flushot(if interview is scheduled in between oct-feb) hepatitis B and covid booster... these vaccines are necessary for all the ages between 18-64. What a headache..😪
  16. Hi You going for blood test ? Will that be accepted by the panel physician ? And for how long is the titres test valid for ?
  17. Hi dear Did your wife took all the doses ? Or is one dose fine ? As some of those vaccines have 2 od 3 doses which has 1 month of gap . So just curious to know if all the doses were taken and is it necessary to get all the doses before medical exam . As i also dont have past vaccine records so probably i have to take the vaccines just confused about the doses. Appreciate your response.
  18. Congratulations 🎊 👏
  19. Thanks ... so that means i have to wait for March , April , May DQs first to get their ILs..
  20. Is this priority date thing applies to spouses of US citizens ?
  21. Last year almost this time people from March DQ list got their Interview letters 😪😪.. Thanks for the response 👍
  22. Anybody from March DQ list got any interview letter ? Highliy appreciate your response.
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