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Immigration Timeline & Photos

mamouth's Achievements

  1. In the the USCIS Checklist of Required Initial Evidence, they list "Proof of child residing in the physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent(s). But I dont see where to upload evidence in the online form. I dont see anything resembling this, besides in the section relating to the Legal Guardian. Any thoughts? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the feedback. What field office did you use?
  3. Thanks for this. @Kate987do you mind confirming if this applies to you?
  4. Thanks - that's very helpful
  5. Hi everyone. I'm about to start the process. I have gathered all the documents. The only ones I'm not sure about is how to demonstrate Proof of Legal and Physical Custody. Is that only in cases of divorced parents or it has to be provided in all cases? Thanks
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