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Everything posted by Vicnic

  1. I heard April 10…. Thank goodness they have moved faster … let’s hope it continues….
  2. Nothing about this process is person centered … we have all learned that …. And we all want and have valid reasons to be with our spouses … all you can do is wait …
  3. Montreal is not processing these very quickly at all…. It will probably be based on your DQ date and they are not even finished March yet …
  4. Sounds like you are getting close
  5. Three months to finish March …. Sigh I’m June will I even get mine in 2025 at this rate ? hubby could apply today and be in Canada faster than us waiting on this…. we are starting to have some serious discussions….
  6. I don’t think two years is a tiny fraction …. We are both not young ( hubby is almost 60) tomorrow is never guaranteed and I live in fear every day of something happening and me not being able to be with him. i need a dental procedure and I hav to go alone and likely get a hotel because I can’t drive home and I have no one else to get me- and an hour Uber ride in that condition doesn’t sound safe !!!! the house I am living in is for sale and the market up here is beyond affordable for us with two households to maintain. I literally have no where to go and secretly keep hoping the house doesn’t sell - but every month this drags on is one more month I have to live with h the possibility of loosing my residence. i have been feeling incredibly depressed and lonely. It may only look like “ a few more months “ but it’s a lot more than it in theory.
  7. Still on March … unbelievable
  8. I know it’s so hard - I get so jealous of couples who LIVE together … I keep telling hubby I got married to share our lives together , not be alone hopefully you are only a few months away. i had a full meltdown when I saw April 25 as the potential interview date adding 10 months. Post DQ is sure a kick in the gut
  9. That is kinda my thought too …. Keep hoping and praying Montreal speeds up- last year when we applied it was three months now it’s like 10 hubby and I are really struggling long distance now ( due to several factors that have been arising with our living situations) it’s hard to maintain two homes !!
  10. It’s a little more complex than that for me i am duel with UK and now thinking to change my interview to London because they are 3x a faster then MTL (3 months verses 10) but I don’t think I need a crim check there but. Would need a medical (timeline might be harder …) trying to balance work ( because I need my job and have no idea for how long ) and I have other commitments I hate the lack of predictability in this process / being more transparent would help on many levels
  11. I Have duel uk citizenship and reached out to ask our attorney of I could change to UK as Montreal now looks about 8-9 months for interviews ( uk is less than 3 months DQ- interview ) he said it will take too long…: given all their mess so caused us an extra month I am nit sure I trust his assessment …
  12. I already had to get two …. It’s a punch every time we need to get these due to their inefficiency and backlog ….
  13. Wow a few months DQ to IL is amazing- Canada is looking like 8 months now which will put us at the 2 year mark for process TWO years for a USC and Canadian citizen who are married …. It’s absolutely ridiculous I feel like none of them are working at all …. I see work visas and all in Montreal and none of the lists are moving at all 60 interviews down to 4 a month … If my productivity at work reduced to that I would be fired !!!
  14. Anyone alive out there ?? This wait is excruciating for me .. I had a meltdown today - if they continue with only processing half a month I am a long way out …. Can one part of this please go faster .
  15. Hello all I do not have my vaccine records as they were done in two separate countries I recently went in BC for the immunity test. I can’t access the results on our LifeLabs system and I just picked up my results in paper copy from my practitioners office and they basically say they’ve been sent out for processing to somewhere else. Has anyone done this test in BC who might be able to give me some insights?
  16. So much time waiting…. It’s hard to not be bitter about it all…. All the “I could never do that “ comments don’t help do they …
  17. Exactly ….. I’m not getting any younger ☺️
  18. These updates are depressing for us all…. I feel like I am never going to get all sorted 5.5 years long distance is hard …. I’m feeling pretty low today as I navigate a bunch of issues solo … yet again … sigh
  19. Rates are coming down slowly in Canada …. But maybe not fast enough !!! hope your visa comes soon 🙏
  20. That should not be ok/ you obviously have family/ spouse and maybe kids in a different country - keeping passports that along is not ok …
  21. I was looking in the UK section- folks DQ in June have interviews in September:(
  22. Wow …. A year in processing…. That is a long journey hopefully you will get your visa very soon 👍
  23. This is probably specific on the agent … but I am curious too!!
  24. My car has the tire pressure sensors - but I am still not sure about importing…. It’s so expensive!!!
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