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  1. Yes, I am the US citizen petitioning for my Argentine wife. Yes, the really good thing about argentina is that the healthcare here is really affordable and the process that I am going through with allergy vaccines is really affordable. I'll send you over by WhatsApp to be added to the group! thanks!
  2. I'm part owner in my family business and it was very successful while I was living in the states full-time. But since I’ve left, the business has gone down so much. I'm working remotely answering phone calls that come in from the business. I'm not working in a Argentinian job currently. Yes with the lawyer, we discussed some of the options that I can submit. They ask me for records from my doctor of my asthma, and treatment that I'm doing in Argentina, business records, but not too much else. They processed my i130 case and ir1 interview so they have a lot of my information already.
  3. I hope so too. The processing times are crazy right now
  4. I still haven't submitted the waivers yet will be doing so within the next week just getting as much evidence as I can together. I hired lawyers to take care of the case because it is too complex for me to do by myself. I I don't have residency in Argentina, I'm here as a tourist but stay for five or six months at a time and only go to the United States for a week or so. I have been traveling back-and-forth like that since 2021.
  5. Yes, I am able to return whenever, but don't want to do so without my wife being able to come with me. Was hoping that they could find a good reason to request waiver to be expedited.
  6. Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way that I can expedite i212 and 601 waivers. In my situation, I'm a US citizen living in argentina waiting for me to be able to travel back with my wife. But first we have to have approved for the waivers. Since living here, I have been experiencing extreme financial hardship and severe asthma. I know everybody is looking to have their case expedited, but are my options viable to submit a expedite?
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