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Everything posted by AnotherLove

  1. he was just here in Virginia Beach. I missed it - amazing voice. Oh hold on let me read the above posts
  2. Ufff, how is that even possible? I have never heard such.
  3. if „stop, parking“ is really the verbiage which was amended from „cell phone use“ then yes. You may want to make sure on the courts website that that is really the amended charge. The courts website also should reflect what type of a charge it is. Do a name search on your courts website and verify how it’s been finalized in the system. That’s the secure step I personally would do as well.
  4. that's actually hilarious - can't he just call there as an IO? Well. I'm sorry he is going through that. We know how it feels.
  5. hello. cell-phone and speeding (only speeding; not reckless driving) are infractions = citations = to be put in the form and you're correct on that. I'm confused the judge reduced it from cell phone to a parking? That's odd. Where you parked when you had your phone in your hand? But yes, i would probably write "speeding ticket (infraction) XX-XXXX (the code for the speeding)" / what was your disposition on this? found guilty? pre-paid?
  6. hang in tight. I'm sure you will hear something very soon. ☘️
  7. @Verrou this is such a good point, i literally forgot that that exists. thank you for your input.
  8. Hello. What is the processing time for N400 at your local field office? hang tight. It’ll work out.
  9. do you remember last year we were talking about our cases and you opened the thread feb. filers... time flies... NOT and congrats.
  10. I have never tried Chipotle
  11. I have never had a broken bone
  12. @Ontarkie @Captain Ewok any updates on merging my accounts? sorry to bug you with that.
  13. I didn't said or felt you were attacking me. I actually thank you for your info. So. Thank you for explaining.
  14. I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about OP's prior threads and well known users answers here. Please, I'm asking you kindly to stop switching it all the time on my case.
  15. Interesting. Thank you for the explanation. I have been reading from a lot of regular users (and OP's prior postings) how she should have informed them right away etc.. and how conflicting it will be by not notifying USCIS once divorce proceedings are filed.
  16. Weird. I'm reading all the time from the same users, who seem to change their opinion whenever the shoe fits, that once you start divorce proceedings, you have to inform USCIS right away. and now they say "it's all good". Well, don't listen to me. Either way, wishing you good luck.
  17. I do believe that once you start divorce proceedings - you have to notify USCIS right away and switch to a divorce waiver include all the paperwork you had so far. you would have prob. ended up getting a RFE for the decree but there are ways to let USCIS know that you can't provide the decree yet. Anyhow. This is not how it went. You filed jointly, 5 months after filing - you and your ex separated (with the intention of divorce, although and sometimes couples separate in hopes of finding back to each other). Now the issue is, that this will def. come up in your N400 interview and the IO will see you did not inform USCIS about your ongoing divorce during pending I-751 (=fraud/misrep.). If I were you, I would not apply for N400.
  18. such great news to read. congratulations!!!!
  19. I'd be sitting my ### on a camping chair infront of my mailbox with a cup of coffee or tea.... it'll all work out so excited for you.
  20. casestatusext.com approval analysis and status analysis that way you can see the cases and their processing times VJ is not accurate
  21. What time are you moving Saturday? Literally wait for the mail man im serious what time does the mail come usually? I think they have it with them, stand by your mailbox until he comes and he will hand it to you plus ask for it!!! I have a good feeling you’ll have it Saturday
  22. Here is my question or concern and I read this here daily: OP filed in ROC 02/2023, all know the process times of ROC, why on earth would be her case already approved this year?! Or next year? OP separation year is about to come up, file for divorce, get the decree, then switch your petition. The option you will be approved without an interview in one year - even this year - is rare! Am I wrong? Yes you will get a divorce but you haven’t even started divorce proceedings, since you can’t due to the 1 year separation rule here. So, why already now USCIS information about a divorce which hasn’t been even filed yet, despite a separation agreement? maybe you want to go on Jim Hackings Live Show. There is phone number and you will get texts whenever he comes live.
  23. that's amazing. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Def. keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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