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  1. why would that give you an expedited visa?
  2. ah. Yes you may be right. I was talking about the social security number/card. Apologies
  3. sadly not. Wish you could. And tbh there’s only about a 50% chance you’ll actually receive it too without having to go down to your local social security office. There’s plenty of people on here (incl me) who did everything right…yet never received the card through the post.
  4. this is 100% true, but ironically they actually DO provide a calculator!! Wish more people would use it! https://www.uscis.gov/forms/uscis-early-filing-calculator
  5. it was rejected cos you filed too early. 90 days before Nov 13 is August 15th. That’s the earliest you could have filed. this is yet another reminder to others in similar situation. Why try and hit the perfect date when it makes very little difference given how long the process takes. File at 75-80 days before and remove any doubts or chance of this happening.
  6. think of it another way. Hundreds of thousands of business travellers take files, paperwork documents etc on planes every day! (Including me). Immigration don’t ask or care what they are provided they’re scanned and safe. This is no different. absolutely no issue at all.
  7. the co sponsor is responsible, financially for you for 10 years, or until you become a US citizen, if you decide to. there is no getting away or ‘signing’ that away. That’s the legal position.
  8. I had a couple of different tetanus jabs growing up as I seemed to have a habit of falling out of trees and/or scraping myself on nails climbing things!! However nothing since being in my late teens (was 45 when I did visa medical) CDC (and most heath providers) say you should have one every 10 yrs so if you’ve not had one in that window, you’ll need another. tbh out of all of them needed, this was the one I had least issue with/could see the benefit of. Maybe I’m secretly still longing to go climb a tree again…
  9. I went through London and these were the ones I had to get (I had a blood test for chicken pox which I’d had as a kid) so didn't need that one.
  10. What do you think they need?! They want your SSN, ID like a passport and proof of address (which is often the hardest to prove) from a recognised source (rent contract, other financial institution etc). that’s all they want. They don’t care or even want anything from your previous accounts etc
  11. correct - your credit history from home doesn’t count in US so it’s like you’re a brand new person. does your partner have a credit card? It’s super easy to be added as an authorised user if so and you’ll gain credit score and build yours up much quicker (assuming your partner’s score is good)
  12. once you enter on K1, you are there until it’s all completed. It’s one reason why the cr1/ir1 is often a much better option for almost everyone. You can literally leave the next hour after entering with it, if you so choose and it’s still all fine. Gives you much more flexibility.
  13. hi 5 feels tight but is certainly possible. Ultimately it’s down to VM to turn the docs around etc so if they think they can in that, they should know. I left a lot more than that but I had to get a couple of shots done after my medical before they sent mine across and it only took them a few days once I’d submitted the proofs. remember this though too. Worst case they’re not processed in time, this doesn’t stop the embassy doing the interview. They just complete your bit and wait for the docs then issue the visa. So either way it's not a major issue. i wouldn't worry
  14. exactly same for me. Created in word, saved as PDF. Did about 6 slides and around 4-5 pics on each. No issues at all
  15. you got this! It’s a pain in the ### right now for sure but we’ve all done it and got to the other side. You can too keep positive
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