My mother-in-law (who is vietnamese) has been a legal permanent resident for about 6 years in the USA. We applied for her youngest daughter to come to the USA several years ago. The youngest Daugher finally got an interview ,but was denied due to INA 212(a)(6)(c)(i) misrepresentation. From my understanding, the youngest daughter tried to get USA citizenship twice about 20 years ago, once through a fiance visa and once through a marriage visa. Apparently the guy she was married to didn't have a birth certfificate due to the Vietnam war and the lawyer submitted a fake birth certificate. And this is the reason for denial.
However, I dont' speak Vietnamese and from past experience my mother in law often leaves out critical details from stories, so I would like to submit a FOIA to get the entire paperwork/back story so that I can help submit a 601 waiver. I need to figure out if it is best to fight this based on denying the youngest daughter even knew about the fake birth certificate or to go the extreme hardship route. The mother-in-law is not an asylum seeker, not in the military, not VAWA, but does not have great health.
So how do I file the FOIA and who do I send it to and what specific documents do I ask for? Thanks so much!