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Everything posted by Cookie88

  1. So, I contacted the medical centre and they responded saying under 12s DON'T require a COVID vaccine as of 1st April 2024. I can't see this documented anywhere online officially. Can anyone re-confirm if they've seen this somewhere?
  2. Judging by the timelines I've been following online I think you'll be approved any moment. For standard processing times I've seen approvals for max May 26th in these recent days. So you should be next in line any moment now. Ignore the website estimate regardless, that's never accurate nor foretelling of anything.
  3. For all of those who have had recent experiences with getting medicals done for an CR1, were you required to get a COVID vaccine done? Where did you get that done from (I do not see it readily available anymore)? Secondly, anyone know where to get them done for under 12s?
  4. You should be fine! I went last month for 3 weeks with pending i-130 on an ESTA. I did not have global entry but I did do the MPC app thing which took me to a smaller quicker liner (it was actually even shorter than the global entry line) and I was not asked anything other than 'are you here on vacation?' to which I said 'yes'. That was as much interaction as I had.
  5. For those that may benefit from this, I visited on an ESTA and there was no issue at all. I kept proof of residency/ties to home docs with me just in case. I did not need to show them. I used the MPC app which took me to a very small line with just a handful of people in front of me. All I was asked by the immigration officer was 'are you here on vacation?', and I said 'yes'. He was super nice and cheerful. He then took my fingerprints and stamped my passport, said 'have a nice trip!' and that was that. I was out super quick of the airport. Hopefully this can help anyone reading up on this!
  6. We have 3 applications - 2 are for step-children. From the start it showed one step-kid as 4 weeks (then when that time ran out it showed 'taking longer than expected'). The spouse showed as 3 months. And second step-kid showed at 6 months.
  7. Do we need to file separate K4's for children? Or is our collective mention under one K3 form fine?
  8. We're just a few days apart! Let's see how this fares for us experience wise.
  9. Status change to 'case actively being reviewed'.
  10. Thank you for the helpful and detailed post! 🤍 This helps a lot.
  11. No harm in asking for people's personal experiences on a forum format.
  12. I see so many posts on here regarding expediting requests, and majority of the answers are how that's not a good enough reason.... I don't see any post here that shows you what a valid/good reason actually is to expedite. I feel like every reason that would cross my mind as a valid expedite request has been vetoed on here - so I am genuinely curious now. I'd like to know on here if anyone had their request to expedite approved, what was the reason you gave? Or if anyone knows of anyone elses experience and what the specific reason for expediting was that got approved?
  13. I know it's early days yet, but would love to start a thread here for fellow Sep23 filers so we can track progress together! Filed: Sept 22, 2023. NOA1: Sept 22, 2023. AR: Sept 29, 2023. I am contemplating the filing of an I-129F. Not sure yet.
  14. Ok. But if I do get approved to transfer the London consulate, that still means the AP starts sooner if it's going to happen regardless whether in London or Islamabad. And the sooner it starts, the sooner it's over with. So either way, London consulate will still be a quicker process regardless.
  15. Is the "Case is being actively reviewed" status update generic, I am assuming? We have progressing I-130's for myself (the beneficiary spouse) and 2 children - they all got the status update simultaneously, which makes me think after a set time frame they just update it automatically? That no one actually probably touched the application yet...
  16. From what I've read it's mostly males who get put in AP, the same males that get pulled aside at any POE in the US as their names typically are flagged in the system. But of course, always a risk in any case to be put in AP. That cannot be helped. There's potential negatives all over in this whole process. Trying to focus on a potential positive
  17. Thank you guys. If Islamabad wasn't as terrible as it is right now I would have probably just not bothered. But if there is a slither of chance even to knock 2 years off and can't harm the application then definitely worth trying! Yes, already put Pakistani address for the i-130 form. In terms of any documentation to prove address, the only thing I'd have is my UK bank account which still has a UK address. Can't think of anything else that may have it. Will try anyways and see how it fares!
  18. Thanks guys. Does it come up in the interview at all? Do they question reasons behind transferring the consulate? I don't want to appear dishonest if they question where I live. Or have them use it to try to catch me out.
  19. Ok, thank you Crazy Cat. Guess it'll be a short visit with time taken off work...
  20. Oh no Do you think there's harm in trying? Because of Islamabad this whole process is going to take like 4 years for me to be able to finally be with my husband and it's stressing me out. If I can change the consulate to London I can knock off 2 years, which is significant.
  21. Can I work remotely in the US while visiting on an ESTA? I am an offshore contractor (NOT an employee) for a US based company. If the answer is no, can I not work even if I don't get paid by them for the duration of the stay?
  22. I wanted to know of any personal experiences and the details of having transferred your case during NVC stage from a country of residence to a country of citizenship for the sake of changing where you'd get interviewed. For example, I have been living in Pakistan for almost 10 years, but I am a British citizen. Once I'm at the NVC stage, can I transfer it to the London U.S. Consulate to save myself from the 2-year interview waiting time in Islamabad U.S. embassy? Also, at what stage would it be the safest to do that? before getting DQ'd or after? And anything else I should be aware of?
  23. Would post-interview administrative processing mean I won't have access to our passports until that's cleared? I'll definitely look into this option and maybe ask on a separate thread for peoples experiences on this. Everything about the Islamabad embassy seems nightmarish to me.
  24. If I can request the NVC transfer to the UK and get away with just travelling over there once the interview is granted for a short trip merely to attend the interview - that is very doable on my end. I can take the kids for short trips abroad during the immigration wait.
  25. Powerpuff - would I not have to be living in the UK to be able to request that? It had crossed my mind, but from what I had read online I had the impression I could only request that if I were currently residing in the UK, and that I'd have to remain in the UK until the DS260 process cleared? It's a little restrictive and complicated for me as my children's biological father is a Pakistani citizen. With our custody and parental agreement I would not be able to relocate to the UK for the duration of the DS260. I only have permission to relocate to the US with them after immigration stuff is finalized and granted. And I know he will not allow us wait out the immigration process anywhere other than Pakistan.
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