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Navalpreet Kaur

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  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center

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  1. Thank you so much for helping me. I will surely follow your advice.😊 Thank you so much cat for your help. ☺️
  2. No actually i am very confused bcz i am worried that mailing to embassy directly doesnot make any negative impact on case. I so worried. Please tell me what should I do ?
  3. I have received dq mail from nvc saying that my case is dqed and they will schedule an interview with embassy when the slot will be avlbl. What should I do now? Should I contact embassy by myself as my case is expedited?
  4. Should I ask embassy for expedited interview by myself?
  5. Today I received a message from nvc saying that my case is expedited due to child citizen act of 2000. I had not submitted any documents yet. What should I do next ?
  6. Thank you so much for help!😊
  7. So what is the better option contacting nvc now or wait until interview? Thank for the help mike.
  8. Will they fix it? How should i contact them by submitting an inquiry?? And can it be corrected on the interview ?
  9. Today I received my welcome letter from nvc. I saw that there was a mistake in principal applicant’s name means my name . There is no space in my name and in welcome letter there was a space in my name. I thought it is an typing error then I logged into ceac portal there was also a space in my name. I am so worried. Please tell me what should I do next. Thanks in advance.
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