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Everything posted by Falloumaily

  1. Now @chaudiere what should i do getting married by utah or k1 cause i'm confused my girlfriend come in here and explain from here what. what time because she is on the move
  2. main in the usa there are people who marry older women the importance c not the age main the circumstances i think you think it's impossible to love an older woman?
  3. yes I told her to join she is traveling on her return to the usa she goes between because these she herself who sent me the link of her forums
  4. love is not age. it's reciprocal love because in my country there are people who marry older women
  5. no me I don't have children it's my girlfriend who has 3 children we have the same religion as well as these children
  6. by phone face time instagram watchapp we talk to each other from time to time on video call
  7. Je ne pense pas que nous pourrons être ensemble de temps en temps puisqu'elle travaille aux USA et il y a celui de 9 ans qui va à l'école et les 2 autres travaillent donc je ne pense pas que cette option sera possible
  8. I'm really sad considering what you told me I don't think it's going to happen quickly I don't know what to say Main I'm confused
  9. all 3 live at home
  10. yes 3 children 21 years old 20 years old 9 years old all boys
  11. even I thought of her because since she is older than me and also since she was married and divorced (with divorce certificate) I think it is better to get married and file the CR1 after my analysis
  12. I really appreciated your support I think we have to think again before deciding which one we are going to take OK, agreed
  13. I think it will be better if it fits here
  14. ok so I would take the k1 I think it's better since nothing is official between my girlfriend and me better concentrate hard on the k-1
  15. getting married is not a problem because we have already done it by hand not official like the African tradition hand I wanted to know if we have a chance for the k1 or?
  16. what will be the procedure
  17. ok because even me that's what I think because she has a 10 difference between us and we really love each other I need advice to do the right procedure
  18. no it's you that I call brother hand I am the owner of the account I am in turkey because I work here I do import export trade here
  19. she is in usa maryland she is older than me
  20. no my girlfriend and american he was born there
  21. Ok well received the advice.
  22. my brother it's me who lives in Türkiye hands am senegalese
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