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Everything posted by noxaru

  1. Thanks for the quick responses. 1 more if you don't mind, would you recommend that I use a service such as Boundless or a lawyer for a situation like this, or does it seem DIYable?
  2. Thanks, I had read that over and saw that they required "copies of documents showing that each of the prior marriages was legally terminated", I was curious if the divorce decree was enough or they'd want to see the RoFD from the PI as well, since according to the PI she's still married. Good to hear that we should be in the clear. Thanks again.
  3. So I posted about this last year, but as I'm married now, I just want to double check before starting the process as to not waste time and money. My wife is a Filipina living in Japan on a work visa, she was previously married and divorced in Japan to a Japanese man. She has all of the original paperwork and translations. The Japan city hall didn't require the RoFD for us to get married as she had the Japanese divorce decree. I've been told on this site, reddit and by immigration lawyers that the U.S isn't going to ask for the RoFD (the process to get it is started, it just takes forever..), however some of her fellow Filipinas keep telling her that she's going to need it. That the USA will contact the PI as that is her country of origin. My thought process is that since she has the divorce in the country that she got married in, then her status in the PI shouldn't matter? (As long as she stays in Japan for the interview, I guess it would if she was to do the interview in the PI?) So I'm being told that we're OK to apply, but she's being told we're not.. Any thoughts? If it is required, would we need to complete it before applying for the I-130?
  4. Awesome thanks, that's what I was hoping for, just wanted to make sure that they wouldn't see it and cause red flags. Yeah, I just wanted to check since she's a citizen of the Philippines that they wouldn't look and see that she doesn't have the RoFD yet. Just trying to reduce any unnecessary roadblocks
  5. My Fiance is a Filipina living in Japan. She was previously married to a Japanese national, during the marriage it was reported to the Philippines that they were married. They are divorced in Japan, however she hasn't gotten the RoFD from the Philippines. Japan city hall said they will marry us, as she is legally divorced. Would we be able to apply with the Japanese marriage certificate, and the divorced papers from her previous marriage, or do we have to have the RoFD as well? We are planning on doing the RoFD eventually, but as we're not going to be living there any time soon, we'd rather do it later if possible..
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