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Posts posted by sable84

  1. Hey guys!


    My husband and I are gathering documents to file I130. Here’s our background. We’ve been married for 14 years and are raising two kids together (13 and 10 years old). My husband’s a US citizen, but we’ve been living in Mexico for the past 14 years. I’m from an EU country, but a legal permanent resident in Mexico. Would these documents be enough to prove bona fide marriage?

    ·         Our kids CRBAs

    ·         Joint property ownership (both our names are on the title deed)

    ·         Shared financial responsibility (we both pay our kids tuition and have each other added as beneficiaries for our investment accounts)

    ·         Pictures of us as a couple when we were dating, and later as a family, with our kids, friends, each other’s family, wedding pictures etc. (approximately 2-3 per year)


    Would this be enough or should we add emails we sent each other when we met and were dating, cards and letters, screenshots of more recent WhatsApp messages, boarding passes from the trips taken together, etc.

    We’ll be filing from Mexico.


    Thank you in advance!

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