Hi everyone! I got my green card in July 2014. That’s when I came to the US, I was 16 at the time. I (along with my mother and sisters) had to leave the US in Nov 2014 because the person financially sponsoring us could not afford for my sisters to continue college in the US and we couldn’t fight the decision because we really on them for everything. We got a 2 year re-entry permit, and planned to come back to the US in Dec 2016.
Some cultural context before I continue, my dad passed away when I was very young and in my country women are typically not allowed to work so my mother and my sisters relied on the aforementioned financial sponsor after my dad passed. This person tragically passed away before Dec 2016, and we couldn’t go back because we could simply not afford to do so. I was then told that now that my re-entry permit has expired, I should consider my GC useless and invalid.
This year I got into a US school for masters and planned to apply for an F-1 visa, assuming that I was no longer an LPR. I then found out that I am still an LPR and my best option is to travel on my valid unexpired (expires July 2024) GC. I have been outside the US for 9 years now. I have the following documents:
- Unexpired GC
- Expired 2 year re-entry permit
- University admission letter, university employment letter for a graduate assistantship
- Apartment lease documents
- Death certificate of my financial sponsor
- I was also taking care of my very, very ill grandfather who is my legal guardian in my home country, I have all of those medical docs
I already have a ticket for August from Pakistan to JFK. I want to know a) if these documents would be enough to please the CBP, b) what narrative should I take? I was a minor when I left, and the decision was most certainly made against my wishes, do I have anything that can validate this argument? c) what questions can I expect to be asked? I have never encountered the CBP, and I have never traveled alone. I am generally quite an anxious and timid person. Any and all help is deeply appreciated.
Thank you!!