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Posts posted by clarrou

  1. Hi friends

    This psot is in an other forum already, just trying to get it to the right place and see if I can get some help.

    I have a quick question hopefully someone will be able to send me some input.

    I am the Permanent Resident my wife is the USC, and we are trying to get my mother's paper work togetter to go to the US consulat in HAITI, for a visitor visa 2nd,she was denied the 1st time .

    What we wanted to is, witch one of us should send the I 134 and all the supporting paper + letter of invitation, or should we both sign and send it.

    and where can I found an example of the invitation letter.

    Thank you guys, any input will be very appreciate.


    Hopefully different embassies have different rules but normally the person filing for a tourist visa has to qualify on their own. I guess it won't hurt but sending a I-134 doesn't help at all.

    I know, but we will take the chance to send it anyways

    my only concern is do we have to send 2 separate I134 or just one, or is there an other I 134 for co-sponsor?

  2. Hi friends

    This psot is in an other forum already, just trying to get it to the right place and see if I can get some help.

    I have a quick question hopefully someone will be able to send me some input.

    I am the Permanent Resident my wife is the USC, and we are trying to get my mother's paper work togetter to go to the US consulat in HAITI, for a visitor visa 2nd,she was denied the 1st time .

    What we wanted to is, witch one of us should send the I 134 and all the supporting paper + letter of invitation, or should we both sign and send it.

    and where can I found an example of the invitation letter.

    Thank you guys, any input will be very appreciate.


  3. Hi friends

    I have a quick question hopefully someone will be able to send me some input.

    I am the Permanent Resident my wife is the USC, and we are trying to get my mother's paper work togetter to go to the US consulat in HAITI, for a visitor visa 2nd,she was denied the 1st time .

    What we wanted to is, witch one of us should send the I 134 and all the supporting paper + letter of invitation, or should we both sign and send it.

    and where can I found an example of the invitation letter.

    Thank you guys, any input will be very appreciate.


  4. The embassy in Port au Prince has delayed the processing of my fiance's visa for over 9 months now. I am aware that the embassy is about 6 months behind in processing NIVs and that political turmoil has made things extremely difficult in Haiti until only recently. But the embassy has given us the run around for the last 4 months. They turned my fiance away three times when he tried to submit his completed Packet 3. We fedexed it to our lawyer and now he is sending it "officially" from his office in NYC.

    Has anyone had any success with a K-1 (or other visa types) from Haiti? :wacko:

  5. Hey guys,

    I posted the same topic already, sorry if you find it twice.

    my mother in law in getting ready for her visitor visa appointment, in september, we send her the invite letter to give to thet officer together with her paper that show her close tie to her home country. but I was wondering since I said that I will be responsible for her expenses aboard, do you think I should send her my bank statement and a I-134. form? and do you know if i need co-sponsor, or how much I need to be making.]

    thank you very much any answer or suggestion will be appreciate.

    Sorry for the spelling I am running and nevous.


  6. Hey guys, my mother in law in getting ready for her visitor visa appointment, in september, we send her the invite letter to give to thet officer together with her paper that show her close tie to her home country. but I was wondering since I said that I will be responsible for her expenses aboard, do you think I should send her my bank statement and a I-134. form? and do you know if i need co-sponsor, or how much I need to be making.]

    thank you very much any answer or suggestion will be appreciate.

    Sorry for the spelling I am running and nevous.


  7. Hello Guys, I know it's been a long time seen I've been in VJ, but i would not be where I am if it wasn't for all of your help.

    Now i have good news and few questions. The good new is my wife is pegnant now and it's really exiting. and the questions are:

    What do you think we can do to have someone from Haiti come and help us with the baby?what can we do?

    any tip will be helpfull.

    Do you know if they ask for DNA test, if a USC apply for a brother or a sister?

    Does anyone know about a certain Nanny Visa or work visa that we can apply for someone from Haiti to come and help us?

    Anything you can think of an suggest guys, will work.

    and the reason is that my wife is the USC and now I am a legal permanent resident we live in Albany by ourselves and we really need help with the baby that we will have. the baby due date is September.

    Guys again anything that can help us bring a family member in the US to help us will be great.

    than you so much in advance guys VJ is the only ressource for help ithat i can think of.

    Clarrou, can't wait to get your suggestion and answers.

  8. Hello Guys, I know it's been a long time seen I've been in VJ, but i would not be where I am if it wasn't for all of you with your help.

    Now i only ihave good news and few questions. The good new is my wife is pegnant now and it's really exiting. and the questions are:

    What do you think we can do to have someone from Haiti come and help us with the baby?what can we do?

    any tip will be helpfull.

    Do you know if they ask for DNA test, if a USC apply for a brother or a sister?

    Does anyone know about a certain Nanny Visa or work visa that we can apply for someone from Haiti to come and help us?

    Anything you can think of an suggest guys, will work.

    and the reason is that my wife is the USC and now I am a legal permanent resident we live in Albany by ourselves and we really need help with the baby that we will have. the baby due date is September.

    Guys again anything that can help us bring a family member in the US to help us will be great.

    than you so much in advance guys VJ is the only ressource for help ithat i can think of.

    Clarrou, can't wait to get your suggestion and answers.

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